In A White Ocean To Get To You (Fiction)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

She was gone... more than a year now.

He was alone... more than a year now.

Today he decided to get in the car and drive to the mountains.

Go through the roads she loved. 

See the places she could spend hours sketching and writing poems about.

The roads were the same. The trees, the mountain peaks, everything... the same. Just like the last time he saw them. Just like the last time she saw them. 

Her favorite music was on, the window half way down just how she liked it so that the fresh air would gently caress her cheeks and play with her hair.

He loved those little locks of hair getting in her eyes, they made her look like a teenage girl. He didn't even mind when they'd get in his mouth every time he tried to kiss her. He would give anything to kiss her again.

Driving and driving through turning roads, steep cliffs were right next to him and the abyss was calling. What if he suddenly lost control of the car? What if instead of turning the wheel he kept driving straight ahead? Would he meet her at the bottom? Would his soul fly straight away to find hers?

The roads kept going. Trees passing past him. He felt as if the scenery was moving and he was immobilized in a car with his hands on the wheel and his foot on the gas pedal. Suddenly the scenery changed though. Among the trees he could see something that looked like a sea. A vast white ocean. Yes, he was sure. An ocean of clouds was right there. Like heavens had lowered and landed on the mountains.

He kept pushing the gas pedal. Faster and faster he was going. Something was calling him to get there and he could not step on the brake. The road was coming to an end. He had to take a turn. He was speeding. The song they shared their first kiss with was on and he could swear he could sense her in this very car, sitting on the next seat.

The car jumped!

The only thing he could remember was sinking in a white, puffy ocean. Everything was white. And cold. Through the windows he could see the cloud flooding into the car. Little frozen ice crystals were entering his nostrils, filling his lungs. The air was cold, his throat felt freezing, his lungs were freezing, his heart was freezing until it finally stopped beating.

A warm touch is what came after that. A warm touch on his chest. A touch that felt so familiar. He turned his head and saw her. She was there on the next seat, with her one hand on his chest and the other on the back of his neck, just like she used to do when they were together.

She was there holding him and smiling.

He was there weeping like a child, unable to believe his eyes.

The cloud kept getting inside the car and even when it had filled every nook left, he could still see her and feel her hands on him.

And then they floated.


In a white puffy ocean made of tiny ice crystals. 

They became one with those tiny ice crystals.

They became cold molecules of life.

And then it started to rain...

*Original story and images by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018

A melancholic piece of writing inspired by our trip with @trumpman today. I hope you liked it.

Those pictures were taken on our way back. Suddenly, our friend (who we have still not managed to persuade to make a steemit account!) shouted: "@ruth-girl, look on your right" @trumpman was driving, but I didn't miss the chance to stare in awe at this spectacle. A ride above the clouds and then as we were going down, we got in the clouds, crossed them and finally made it back to the plains.

Images like that leave you just wondering... How much wisdom and love for humanity must this greater power that built this world have? How blessed is our race? How ignorant and disrespectful can people be? How much of this beauty remains unnoticed because we have forgotten how to look?

I shared a piece of this beauty with you today! I have done it several times in the past and I will definitely do it again in the future. Don't forget to look, people! Don't forget to appreciate! Don't forget to dream, because life is so... fragile!


Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


I would have chosen this song to accompany your beautiful story:

Beautiful! Her voice gave me the shivers...

Her voice has gotten me through many a mini depression :-)

Raises goosebumps

Lovely post.

Στα καλύτερα σε πάω !

Bασιλισσα με εχεις! ^_^

dreams are fragile too!...

μπραβο ruth-girλ ισως απο τα πιο ωραια αρθρα σου που εχω διαβασει...ολη η ιστορια ,αλλα ειδικα το τελος απλα υπεροχο!!!.... και υπεροχες φωτογραφιες...ειδικα η πρωτη που εχεις ανεβασει ,τι να πω...τρομερη φωτογραφια!!!...και μπραβο και στον trumpman που σε παει στα καλυτερα!!!! :))
...τωρα θα ζητησω συγνωμη αλλα θελω να μου επιτρεψετε να ανεβασω το κομματι που νομιζω για εμενα ταιριαζει απολυτα στην ιστορια και καθως τη διαβαζα το ακουγα.... 'ask the mountains' ...

Ευχαριστώ πολύ @funnel! Είναι σκοτεινό και μακάβριο το ξέρω, αλλά αφήνει μια νότα αισιοδοξίας, ότι τουλάχιστον είναι πια μαζί.

Vangelis? Είναι ωραίος! Έχεις δίκιο, ταιριάζει κι αυτό στην ιστορία! Μ'αρέσει που ο καθένας σας το δουλεύει στο μυαλό του και ανάλογα με τα ακούσματά σας δίνεται κι από ένα soundtrack! Βλέπεις αρκετούς ετερόκλητους ήχους, αλλά το συναίσθημα παραμένει το ίδιο...

That's an intense and dark story. The problem with a character choosing an ending like that, though, is that they miss out on all the beauty that could come to them for the rest of their days. I think in general, the pain is better. But our characters make their own decisions and we're usually helpless to save them.

Love the pictures - especially the one where the mist is rising from the road in the distance.

Thanks for this comment! I was tempted to go towards a more optimistic ending, having "wake up" in the nick of time, swerve and keep driving after having seen her... but darkness won me over again!

The feeling during our drive was something I could not put in words. Have you ever got yourself "stoned" by the images, the beauty you're just looking at? That's what I get on trips like this ;)
I am left there, gazing, feeling, absorbing the energy, the beauty... it might sound a bit crazy, but hey, who isn't a little crazy?

I get stoned like that a lot. The music I'm listening to or just the sounds around me, the scenery, wild conversations, faces that tell a whole story just by looking at you. It's why I almost never use drugs. Anything more with my perceptual chemistry might put me over the edge!

I hope you took turns driving, though!

It's nice to see that there are others like me (I felt such a weirdo).

I try to stay on alert when driving, thanks! :)

Beautifully sad

Thank you! :)

great photography, thanks for your share i liked it.

great spammography, thanks for your share i liked it.

Woow really great post @ruth-girl

The cloud kept getting inside the car and even when it had filled every nook left he could still see her and feel her hands on him.

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