Frankenbread Man...From Outer Space! - Choose Your Adventure [Steemit Special]

in #writing7 years ago


Rated PG. This is my first installment of original "Choose Your Own Adventure" style, fairy-tale, short story, sci-fi, fiction. It is written especially for the month of October and the season of Halloween. My favorite time of year...

Frankenbread Man…From Outer Space

Installment 1

The Beginnings

PH 1. The Frankenbread Man had always had a soft spot for A) crème (go to PH 2) B) little girls (go to PH 3) or C) scarecrows (go to PH 4).

PH 2. Crème. It filled the Frankenbread Man’s heart with that warm and fuzzy feeling. He loved to smear it all over his body and shove some of it in his mouth. The taste of it. The smell of it. The texture. It ignited his mind and made his brain all tingly. When the Frankenbread Man had crème in his hand, he was a happy man. But only so much crème could the Frankenbread Man have, before it began to taste like sour finger nuts. If ever there was a soft spot, it was crème and it was only when he was out. The beautiful thing that the Frankenbread Man loved was inside every common human’s house.

It was the humans that fascinated him. Their sense of their own reality delighted him. He was ever curious. He had passed this planet but never stopped. This time he was on a pleasure cruise vacation spaceline, when he decided to drop off for some tea. Using his inflatable jet intertube, he floated down into Earth’s atmosphere, in search of crème. Should the Frankenbread Man A) stop by the closest eatery (PH 5) B) find the source (PH 6) or C) land and ask the first human he sees (PH 7)?

PH 3. Little, human girls. From all the media he had experienced across the galaxy he knew their curious minds had no end. Their little tea parties and dress-up worlds made him wonder what force lay inside their inner workings. What drove little girls to act and think in such a ridiculous manner? He simply could not fathom their fantastical motivations. And how were they considered a legitimate part of society? They had no real fruition from their play and imagination outside their apparent “cuteness”. Cuteness, he sighed. Ugh!

What will the Frankenbread Man do to witness their analytical thought processes for himself? He caught the next jetboat out from Nebula 8 and used his inflatable jet intertube to propel his way into Earth’s atmosphere, unnoticed. He hopes to find a little girl and discover the fortitude of their ability to embrace such a dreaming and unfulfilled life. Such a life without purpose would surely drive him to madness. It was his only weakness. He could not dwell on his own cuteness. He was not cute. No was to call him such. For that was the trait of little girls, and he had always wondered at the comparison. Should the Frankenbread Man A) find the nearest little girl (PH 8) B) hide in a bush and wait for a little girl to come to him (PH 9) or C) go pick one up from the nearest nursery (PH 10)?

PH 4. Scarecrows. They had always fascinated the Frankenbread Man. He was wrought with the purpose of them. The idea of stuffing hay and clothing it in the likeness of its human self was outrageous. Like a pet. The Frankenbread Man understood pets. Companions, lovable servants. But scarecrows? The tales of them had his curiosity piqued.

There were many tales aboard the S.S. Candyland, but his favorite still remained the scarecrow. Other humanized idols made sense to him. A Jesus, a prophet come to tell a message to His people, he understood the humans need to attribute happenings to a higher force. They had psychological needs, rather like their pets. Desires to personify themselves in many ways made sense to the Frankenbread Man, but not the stuffing of the straw, left outside to rot. Should the Frankenbread Man A) Find the nearest field (PH 11) B) seek their lore (PH 12) or C) observe a human with a scarecrow (PH 13)?

Please wait for the next installment, coming soon!

Pick your choice and come back for more...the Frankenbread Man has only just begun to wreck havoc across the month of October...and boy does he stink!

Welcoming Artist(s)

If you would like to illustrate "Frankenbread Man...From Outer Space!" please contact me for more information. 10 SBD reward included. Sample art expected.

*Written by Robyn Eggs, especially for Copyright October 17th, 2017. All Rights Reserved. Not for reproduction or republication. Robyn Eggs and Toast Publishing. For inquiries, or permissions, please email: robyneggsandtoast at

thank you_robyneggs_by_girlbeforemirror.jpg


You have such a great imagination @robyneggs. I can see how this could take off, especially since you put out the call for art contribution. I love how you are always working toward building community--so so good for us all! <3

I love your bottom banner too--a great gift from @girlbeforemirror!!!

Thank you @everlove! Community is good. :-) I just released the second installmrnt - to include the beginning and midsection choices. Next will be the endings!! :-O I really do hope Frankenbread Man is as fun to read as he is to write about! :D Life is a happy game.

You always have fun happening in your posts---so many great words to share!! Thanks for being you @robyneggs!

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