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RE: "Training Camps" for the Oppressed

in #writing5 years ago

What a shitty school experience you had! Rigid, inflexible, authoritarian.. and an incredibly dubious political agenda. No wonder you are so against the school system.

I work within one, as a teacher. There's many things I don't think are great about it... the ranking system for one, giving grades. That's bullshit. To be honest, Id quit in an instant if i didnt need the money for a couple of years yet. It's a business where people stand to profit too... too many people getting paid for writing curriculum when they don't teach, for one, and don't know students.

But, if you'd gone to my school or even been in my classroom you'd have a different experience... no way would I have implied you were lying, but double checked, giving you benefit of doubt. We work hard to teach kids to be independent, critical thinkers, which is sometimes hard when the kids can be inflexible themselves or were indoctrinated by their parents and the media. We would NEVER have had a life skills class like that!

What I'm saying is that not ALL schools are fucked, but agree system needs a COMPLETE overhaul and a new approach needed.

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"But, if you'd gone to my school or even been in my classroom you'd have a different experience"

Haha I try to be careful about throwing teachers or all administrators under the bus for that reason. Some do really try to do right by the kids and that is good. I see the problem as being a part of the system that is charged with facilitating education. When I went (which was quite some time ago) I found that we were largely treated pretty badly and the excuse for doing that almost always involved some rule or law that was passed down by the upper administration or the state and federal government.

Phew. It's tough saying to people 'I'm a teacher' .. so many have ruined our reputation and continue to do so. It's not the only part of my identity...

One of my BIG priorities as a teacher.. indeed as a person.. is EMPATHY. And that's what a lot of these systems lack. Not my school so much though, of which I'm glad... even though there's a higher authority they too must confirm to.

Posted using Partiko Android

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