The Snow Storm

in #writing7 years ago

The cold surrounds me, snow, beautiful white flakes of crystallised water slowly drifting down from the heavens. I wrap my jacket closer as I wander outside slowly and stomp around the freshly laid snow leaving my footprints as proof that I at least in this instant existed on this world.

As I breathe out I see a thin trail of white vapour pour forth. The cold air feels good and refreshing. It's been a long time since I've felt such relief, such peace. I've always been fond of winter, perhaps it is because I was born on such a day.
Winter was there when I first came into the world, and I hope it will be here when I leave it. The cold has a way of numbing you, clearing your thoughts and rash emotions, The air is more fresh to breathe in and the world seems to go from chaotic to still all of a sudden. It feels as though there is no one but me.
My scarf hangs loosely around my neck, my hands covered by warm gloves. For the moment I am totally protected from the elements.
I begin to stroll around, I see white, white snow covering every house, every car, every piece of street. Purest white everywhere, as far as the eye can see. There are fields stretching towards the horizon, covered in soft snow. Truly a sight to behold. Within homes I see families around the kitchen table, fathers chatting to sons and mothers laughing with daughters. Each one of them filled with joy to be at home, to feel the warmth of family and happiness to be with the ones they care most about.

I reach the middle of a particularly large field, I close my eyes and just stand there as still as I can. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. Well that's a good sign, at least my heart still beats. I look above and see the uncountable pieces of white falling down around me. My heart aches. God is definitely busy during the holiday season, granting wishes. I have a wish too... Happiness. Please God, Please grant me my only wish.
I chuckle at myself, how childish, if only someone somewhere could hear my pleas. If only... Wishes could come true.

I turn and begin to walk back home. The wind begins to build and I suddenly feel the cold bite at me. Soon, the snow turns violent, slashing at me, at my face with tiny pieces of ice. I raise my arm to protect myself as I push towards home. It seems like a eternity away now. Each step takes all my effort, and as I stumble forwards I feel fear. Cold and fear.
The wind begins to intensify even more, pushing me back, pushing me to where I started. I lose any control as the wind directs me like a puppeteer throwing around a doll.

I'm confused how such a storm could have manifested so suddenly. I look around desperately for shelter, any kind of shelter. A few seconds later I see it, a small barn close by. I can find shelter there, if I could just reach it. I slowly walk towards it, but even the barn seems further away by the second. I cannot see. I cannot hear. I cannot move. The snow storm is too fierce. The hurricane of ice and snow envelop me. I let out a final gasp as I vanish.

I awake to the face of an angel. Staring at me with concerned eyes. My body tenses. Her long black hair hangs straight gracefully. I stammer, I ask the first thing on my mind, if I had died and gone to heaven.
She smiles kindly, her dimple on the right side of her face perfectly complementing her heart shaped lips, her clear light brown eyes seems to be glinting. She slowly mouths a silent 'no'. I can see she is amused.

Looking around at my surroundings I see that I'm in a hospital. My mind races for answers to my amassing questions. Most predominately where I am, how did I get here and how on earth did I survive?
I look upwards with confused eyes, The angel sees my concern and tells me that I will be just fine. She takes my hand and asks me to get some sleep. I can feel the warmth spread from her hand to my arm and into my body. It fills me with what I can only describe as contentment. She finally promises she will be here when I wake up. My eyes suddenly feel heavy. I look at her one final time before drifting into sleep. She looks like so angelic, I don't want to close my eyes out of fear that she will not be here when I wake. Eventually sleep takes me.

Perhaps there is a god, perhaps someone did hear me after all. Because, for the first time in a long time I finally feel at peace. paul-gilmore-192469-unsplash.jpg

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