Homo Homini Lupus in Republic Middle of Nowhere

in #writing6 years ago

INJUSTICE and greed have plagued Republic Middle of Nowhere. Unfortunately, many people are not aware. Due to living hard, civilians will do anything to live. On the other hand, the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism is already valid as a tradition of heredity. The 'shame' that once became the identity of the nation gradually fades away now.

* * *

One morning, Euric was stopped at a coffee shop around the harbor. There, he saw many people from various professions were working hard. Dozens of porters were sweating carrying luggage passengers out of the ship. While on the other side of the pier, dozens of loading workforces were busy shifting tons of staple goods from ships to trucks.

Looking behind, Euric noticed an elderly woman offering traditional herbal medicine at a grocery store across the street. Not far from there, there was a 12-year-old girl who was peddling fried snacks. At the same time in the corner of the other harbor, dozens of young mothers were offering wrapped meal to passengers.

Soon, dozens of motorcycles, cars and trucks came out of the hull. They queued up at the port exit. At first glance there was no weirdness. But Euric's eyes caught something unnatural. One by one the vehicle was seen giving money to the harbor officers. 

A month earlier, Euric wrote a story about illegal fees at the port. Although his writings became the headlines in recent weeks, the illegal practice never goes away. As a junior journalist, Euric's young blood rustled.

A minute later he got an idea to interview the national figures related to their views about the nation problems.


First, he went to the parliament office. Euric read "CHAIRMAN" written at the door. He immediately asked for permission to enter and to conduct interviews. The chairman agreed.

"Mam," Euric started the interview, "have you ever helped impoverished or disabled countrymen like unemployment, blind, prostitute or prisoners?"

Mrs. Chairman's replied, if her will in humanity was enormous. She even mentioned one by one the organizations she managed.

"Participation and so on?" asked Euric.

"Oh, participation? Yes, that person is me. Indeed I am active in almost every field for people, nation, country and public interest."

"And where does the fund come from?"

"Forest. I have a company that has exported 10 million cubic meters timber to Korea and Japan. And I'm good at playing stocks and foreign exchange."

"Flood, erosion and people's misery?"

"Hah? Those are the authority of the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Social Affairs. I only deal with the Ministry of Public Works and state-owned enterprises. In terms of national development, my participation is really great."

Marty Bucella

After interviewing Mrs. Chairman, Euric was still not satisfied. He immediately met another famous figure. This time , they are arts and culture figures .

"Sir, are you an artist?" ask Euric.

"Yes, I am an artist and a humanist," he answered.

"A national artist?"

"National? Indeed. I am blah blah blah and so on. I also bli bli bli. And beyond that, I have blu blu blu. In short, I was a really bla bli blu ble blo."

"I'm sorry sir, why didn't you try to get revolutionary writers to be freed?"

"Too dangerous."


Still not satisfied with the answers of the previous speakers, Euric immediately step on the gas to one of the famous colleges. It was possible that students can give their critical views that are not confined by the norms of public decency and practical politics.

"Brother, you are a student, do you have a national soul?" asked Euric.

"National? What does it mean?" the student asked back.

"Are you willing to sacrifice and work for the common good?"

"Sacrifice? Work?"

"Participation to accelerate, follow the modernization?"

"Can you speak human language?"

"Join the development."

"Huh! I love to dance and smoke marijuana, my father has high rank, great car and a lot of money. I live in paradise, nightclub, steam bath, bowling, race course and of course, I love playing cell phone. Development? Leave it to the government."


Disappointed with the answers of the speakers, Euric re-opened the contact list on his cell phone. He read the names listed one by one. However, nothing made him interested in. A moment later, his cell phone rang. There's the name of the managing editor on the screen. Euric immediately answered the call that apparently was the assignment for the ceremonial event in prison.

After the chit chat ceremony had been finished, Euric saw an elderly civilian who highly respected by the inmates. After asking one of the wardens, it was discovered that this old man was apparently a retired teacher who regularly visited the prison.

"What is your name?" asked Euric.

"Do not mention my name, please just ask."

"You are a teacher, besides what are you doing?"

"I give an education for imprisoned children, and once a week I teach illiterate people in my village."

"Education? Teaching? Where do the books and stationery come from?"

"I take from my salary. I save every ten percent for books and transport, and sometimes I get support from the humanitarian institution."

"Do you get support from the veterans?"

"No. the money from the veteran's office was just enough to cover the operational cost and pay the employees."

"Did you join the revolution?"

"Yes, three times injured in the field."

"Do you not envy with other veterans who are rich, while you are still poor today?"

"No. They are not the true patriots."

"Can I kiss your hand?"

"Don't bother."

* * *

Feeling already has a fairly interesting story; Euric immediately typed and sent it to his managing editor. It turns out the article about the four national figures, rejected. The editor only published Euric's article regarding the common ceremonial in prison.

"Why my article isn't published?" Euric asked angrily.

"Too sensitive."

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