Shortstory // Note The Engineer

in #writing6 years ago

An ordinary-looking young man and a neat appearance with a serious expression on the sky that afternoon. "Looks like it's 3:30 pm!", Said the young man in his heart. He also straightened his eyes forward as he stepped into a mosque that was around there to perform the prayer Ashar.

His name is Alzi, a young Genius who has an Intellectual Capability of Logical-Mathematical, Naturalist, Intra Personal and Inter Personal types above average. He also has a good Spiritual intelligence. In other words he is a young genius in the exact field of science / knowledge, can read the natural surroundings, sensitive to feelings felt by others, clever carrying, praying and praying diligently.

He's only 17 years old, but he's in college at the end of a famous university in this country. Because of his exceptional talent, at the age of 15 he has graduated high school with an accelerated system. And a few more months will graduate from the University with the Cum Laude and the youngest Bachelors degree ever at the University.

Of all the advantages he has, only one lack of himself. It never feels how it feels to fall in love. Of the many beautiful girls who are on the Campus, none of them can make him fall in love or make him feel the experience of falling in love.
For him to fall in love is a futile, unproductive and waste of time. The definition of love according to Alzi is just a biological reaction triggered by the hormone testosterone and pheromones. Not a popular hyperbole is portrayed and written in Shakespeare's book or Tere Liye's lovemaking novels and Tatang S. Comics that are loved by many.
In fact for him Fall in love is a dangerous thing because it can trigger the heart works faster and if the relationship does not go smoothly, it can lead to hurt to death.

Hurt here is not just a figure of speech, but heartache in the literal sense of the truth. Because in Biological Sciences, the muscles of the heart tendon can break up after experiencing acute Emotional Trauma, so the heart can not pump blood effectively. So, humans can actually die of heartbreak.

Day began the night, Alzi walked down the dull sidewalk covered with dust. He intends to find a fried rice seller to fill his already hungry stomach. A few steps walk, the atmosphere seemed very quiet, no one was seen. Suddenly Alzi saw a girl dressed in white, standing beside the bridge.

When people in general will run away for fear of thinking the girl is a ghost, but not so with Alzi. To him a ghost is a spontaneous projection of a frightened human mind so that a glimpse of the shadow can seem like a horrible ghostly figure.

After a long process of thought and logic, Alzi concludes that the figure of the girl is not a ghost, but a solid object that can be ascertained as an ordinary human being, because she is seen eating a sandwich. Alzi stepped closer to the girl and said.
"Sorry mba, may I ask for the bread of the contents?". Pinta Alzi with a flat tone. Apparently the hunger in his stomach can overcome the fear and even the embarrassment in Alzi.
The girl turned to Alzi and put on a surprised face and amused at Alzi's spontaneous and funny words. Soon the girl said.
"Sure, but you have to introduce your name first!", He said shortly.
"My name is Alzi, just call Al, a final college student at the University!". Alzi was silent for a moment, and soon he said "So can I ask for the bread of the contents?".
The girl laughed amused at Alzi's words. This was the first time he had met a man he had not known before but dared to ask him for something. Reminiscent of him with famous artist Jackson Pollock, a painter with abstract style of expressionis. His style is similar to this man named Alzi, can express himself though it looks abstract and makes everyone curious.

"Take it, this is for you!", Said the girl as she stretched out her hand holding a piece of bread to Alzi. "My name is Avina, just call Avi!".
"So, you're Avina?", Alzi was surprised to believe. "The girl of the rich, beautiful and most beloved faculty of literature on all campus men?"
Alzi was surprised to meet Avi on a lonely night and in unexpected conditions like this. Avi appearance is also far from the usual glamorous word attached to a millionaire girl daughter who heralded everyone on campus.

Avi smiled. "It's all a rumor, not too much!", He said to Alzi. As if to tell him that he was not as rumored.
"So, you Alzi, that Genius Student is it?". Avina's expression turned curious. "Are you really a rumored genius?" Asked Avina.

From some of his meetings with other girls. Somehow this encounter was like having a different sensation for Alzi. It is as if there is a gravitational force from Avi that attracts Alzi to orbit near it. He seemed challenged to answer Avi's question to show his genius.
"Your name is Avina, Born in Town B, April 1, 1993. Father named X, Mother named Y. Your address in Town C, blah, blah, blah", said Alzi with enthusiastic voice to utter Avina's data completely.

Avina can only put on shocked faces as well as amazed. How could he ever memorize all that, even Avina herself could not memorize it out of her head.
"Wow, amazing, Al! How can you memorize all that? ". Ask Avina with a curious look on her face.
"Mmm, I just accidentally, looking at your data while in the Faculty room!", He said in a flat tone answering Avina's question. "So I can eat this sandwich? My stomach is hungry! ". The look on her face turned pitifully toward Avina.
Avina smiled to hear what she said. Seeing the behavior and words of Alzi, making him laugh and entertained for a moment from the tiredness of life. For Avina, Alzi is probably one of the most rare Works of God's Art, or perhaps the only one who can entertain herself only from casual conversations and through unexpected silly encounters.
"You're a funny guy, Al !. Eat first, before you pass out ". Tukasnya while inviting Alzi spent sandwiches gift him.

Avi carefully observed the greedy Alzi eating the sandwich of his gift. Nothing to attract a bit of this man, ordinary face, ordinary looks, even seen from his behavior tend to be spontaneous and careless. Not a single radiated aura that can captivate a woman. But there was another side of him. The other side that makes Avi comfortable is nearby. He did not feel awkward at all chatting on the sidewalk while giving his sandwiches. He also did not hesitate to laugh laughing at the sight and hear the behavior and words that are funny.

After finished the sandwich from Avi, Alzi then reached into his trouser pocket and took out a pack of chocolates and gave it to Avi.
"This is for you, as a substitute for the sandwich I spend". he said shortly. A moment later, with curiosity Alzi said, "So, your age above me? do I need to call you Kak Avi? ".
With reflexes, Avi pinched both Alzi's cheeks with an exasperation. "It's rude to talk about the age of a girl in front of him, Al !. You can call my name alone, no need to use "KAK", understand? ". He said with a tone of annoyance while releasing his pinch.

Alzi stroked his cheeks flushed with pinched Avi. Nevertheless, not one bit of pain or upset is treated like that. Somehow, as there is a special gravitational force coming from a small and fragile girl named Avi. Pulling itself so intense towards the Avi, bigger than the gravitational force of the earth, even the force of the Sun's gravity, which attracts all the planets of the solar system orbiting around it. Make him want to meet again with Avi and always be near him.

"Can I, see you again later?". Alzi's body shook violently after saying it. Such a heavy load exceeds the calorie energy loosened from his body.
Avi gasped at the request of Alzi. She felt like a character in one of Paolo Coelhoe's novel pale novels. A famous literary writer. His heart was pierced by the arrow of the god of love that an ordinary young man, who was younger than he. A sensation he had never felt before, even from a handsome young man and a college star millionaire who once teased him. He tried to calm down and answer Alzi's request.
"Sure, I would love to see you again!", He said softly as he smiled sweetly looked at Alzi's face.

Alzi was stunned, just this time he felt something like that. A unique sensation that he felt due to biological reactions triggered by the hormone testosterone and pheromones. Mixed feelings between joy, anxiety, joy, heart beat faster and eyes for a moment felt sharper. What is that feeling? could it be love ?. Said Alzi in his heart. He then tried to smile back at Avi with a stiff grin. Like the new beta robot tested.

They both turned their bodies. Step away from where they live. In their hearts, they can not wait for the moment when they meet again. A unique encounter between an Engineer Man and a Literary Girl.

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