Wednesday Morning Reading Yo!

in #writing7 years ago

Some morning SciFi just for you! Full first chapter bellow.
Audio at the bottom!

Chapter {1}
{The Great Beginning}

Once upon a time there was a postman living in Brooklyn, this man is me of course. I was calmly sitting in the park philosophizing about shenanigans, and the next thing I know. I’m abruptly jumping out of a plane with no parachute. More like I’m being kicked out of a plane by Karl the psycho. I barely survived this unexpected assault. This is peak fun, I’m absolutely an innocent victim!
He calls himself construct Karl. A pretty fancy name if you ask me. Too fancy for a ruthless thug disguised in a black suit.
He’s supposed to work for some big corporation. At first, he came to me muttering gibberish and this catch phrase.
“Come with me… if you want to live.”
I could swear that I saw that in a fancy Hollywood movie. Actually you know, this situation reminds me particularly of something. Not so long ago a stranger in a bar told me quite a remarkable explanation to danger and fear itself.
He explained to me that… our reptilian brain deep inside our clever heads is the center of our survival. It’s all supposed to be hardwired with the most primal and basic instincts to live. It simply, completely defines our animalistic nature. Our fight-or-flight response, lies within this organ the size of a peanut.
Fight or die, it’s all in your instincts.
Use it or lose it bitch.
That’s what he joyfully said, but it really didn’t help me at all. In times of panic, I freak out just like everybody else. Not even my reptilian brain pumped on steroids could save me.
This guy Karl, he’s almost got me killed twice this month. My heart was uncontrollably beating like a racehorse unable to stop. Adrenaline madly flowing and rushing thought my veins and then what? Nothing of course…
My poor reptilian brain was brutally eaten alive by a giant hungry condor. The mighty truth is here.
Science, it’s all a big and deceitful lie full of fancy make-believe topped and sprinkled with chocolate.
I was just standing there, mouth wide open and unable to move. Unable to think or even to try and run away from danger.
How does science clarify this?
It just can’t! In reality, hard facts and science, cannot always explain the why of things. The meaning of life, is still a mystery. When science fails, humans rely on philosophy to graciously describe the why of things.
Plato is king in front of the unexplainable.
Extravagant fairytales in our heads.
Here lies the beauty of the unknown, our fancy make-believe can transverse beyond boundaries. Regardless, it’s just sprinkling chocolate on the beautiful and unforgiving unknown.
Not even Karl knows the meaning of life, or does he?
I asked him the big enigma, then with his robotic brain he gracefully replied with another question!
Karl said, “The real question is… what makes us human?”
I just stared at him with a blank face.
After that he went on yapping with his robotic voice…
He said, “The real answer is almost totally mysterious. We are flesh and bone with an unexplainable magical sparkle inside our brains. The human soul, in its pristine form is somewhere in there. If you look in to the pitch-black void, can you truthfully find the answer? Is there a hollow voice talking?”
Is it you, or is it something else…
Remembrance is the key.
Karl the maniac, he’ll just tell you the weirdest things out of nowhere. The first time that I met him, what did this psycho say? Not in a million years could anyone ever guess. All irrational nonsense and gibberish anyhow.
He told me that I needed to go with him, to a valley.
He started describing the strange place like this…
Thousands of miles away there is a mysterious red valley. Within this valley a very cold, desolate, and deserted landscape full of ice and rocks awaits. Inside this ethereal godly creation, there is a very special megalithic limestone rock. This triangular shaped, pink limestone rock has a very painful secret.
If you stare deep in to the abyss, you can hear this enchanted rock whisper, it murmurs with promises and echoes of blissful eternity. The everlasting and endless plight of humanity, for more. The never ending search for a meaning and a cause. Hear this call very carefully, and you might just completely lose yourself in the pitch-black endless void.
“Tick, Tack.” The Swiss watch says…
Woa, someone forgot to take his special medication.
Those were his exact words, no kidding. Can you believe the wacko? Maybe he escaped from a mental institution, and I was the lucky one to first find him.
Well, it’s not as bad as it sounds.
Actually dear Karl, disappeared out of my life almost as soon as he appeared. It’s all a big conspiracy believe me! The government they’ve got eyes everywhere! Trust no one, like that TV series says.
Well, he did say something particular about himself. He showed me his workplace, it’s in that nasty building, the headquarters of Twin Ruby corp. He was summoned here to NYC, not long ago. To meet his destiny.
July 17th, two months before Event-X.
A gigantic glass and steel skyscraper, righteously stands in the city of dreams. It almost touches the tempestuous and hazy purple sky. Inside the penthouse, there is a room with an oval shaped wooden table with 13 metallic chairs. On these chairs, 11 wise-looking men are sitting. They quietly craft and plot their next shadowy scheme.
“What is there to be done?” A voice says “There is just not enough time.”
Suddenly, the silent room becomes like a noisy market. Arguments going back and forth, unable to reach a much needed and desired agreement. A man stands and powerfully slams his large hands on the wooden table.
“This cannot continue any longer, we need a solution right now.” He says with rough and deep voice.
Unexpectedly, all men stand up at the same time and say, “We all agree to the proposal.”
A shady figure, wearing a black suit appears from a corner in the room. “I absolutely agree with all of you, we must commence the remembrance protocol.” The shady man says.
“I propose, Subject-X, The Majestic Man.” He says while circling the table. “He’s our best and only choice.”
The 11 men sitting in the cold metallic chairs, start debating the endless possibilities and outcomes this plan might have. Empty chatter echoes through the room, a consensus seems to be reached. The 11 wise men stand up and say in elegant unison, “We are all obliged to initiate the remembrance protocol.”
Unanimous applause is heard loud and clear throughout the room. The 11 men once again speak in unison, “We select you Construct Karl, to carry out this protocol.”
Once again they proudly applaud in approval.
An evil looking smile, side to side is on Karl’s face.
“I shall do my best, for the executive board.” He says while bowing in front of the broad. “The Twin Diamonds shall be one once again.” He fanatically shouts.
This is the beginning of the end.
Perhaps for Karl.
Karl in the black suit rushes out the door, through the halfway in to an elevator. He punches the first floor button and then he meticulously fixes the knot on his purple stripped silk tie. Construct Karl is a man of class and polished elegance.
“The smallest details, make the man.” Or so he says.
66th floor
11th floor
1st floor
A luxurious, black sports car awaits at the entrance. Construct Karl travels in style, no more and no less is expected. He has two pumped-up pugnacious bodyguards that follow him around everywhere he goes, even to the toilet. They both stand in front of the door like guardian dogs obediently protecting their valuable master.
They are both fully trained in using lethal force, they had a long successful internship doing black-ops for the army. Their favorite weapons are silenced automatic machineguns. Nothing like bursting bullets in milliseconds when a killing spree is required, all in delicate and relative silence.
Rufus the thug opens the door for Karl, while Max the driver is already behind the wheel. “Where might we take you today sir?” Max asks very politely to his master.
The car dashes into the highway at ferocious speed.
Karl replies with a smirk, “To the airport, fast.”
Inside the speeding car, Karl says, “Give me all the information that we have on Subject-X.” Max the driver carefully squeezes in-between cars, inside the traffic jammed and busy highway, a ferocious dashing gazelle.
It’s running from a lion perhaps.
“Tell the pilots we are flying to Moscow, our ETA is one hour.” Karl says while checking some documents.
Rufus the thug says, “He was last spotted, three months ago near a café in the historical center.”
“That traitor, he’s a defector and he deserves no mercy.” Karl says while carefully looking at a picture of Subject-X
“Time is running out, and he’s our only logical choice.”
Irony is comical
“Turn on the radio, put on some disco music.” Karl says with a smile.” It’s party time.
He’s got a very evil and devious smile on his face. There’s no greater pleasure in life than pain.
Especially when Karl is causing it.
Party time indeed.