Rupert’s Quest - (Original fiction)

in #writing8 years ago

by Michael Warner Molema

“The fox and I journeyed for some time after we had passed through the Gateway. The Gateway opened in a forested mountain valley. We went north for several days until we saw the Abbey in the distance. The fox is waiting for me in the forest beside the Abbey.”

Father Marlin asked the question that was on his and Arthur’s minds. “Why did the Refiner send you to our world Rupert?”

“The Refiner sent me to find the Fallen Diamond.”

The Fallen Diamond is a shard of meteoric iron that fell by the Abbey two years ago. This grey shard of rock was set on the Abbot’s staff, and thus it has become an object of reverence within the Abbey.

“The Fallen Diamond is nearly impossible to get our hands on, Rupert.”

“And if we break into the Abbot’s quarters we could be expelled from the Abbey.” Arthur’s stress could be heard in his voice.

Farther Marlin and Arthur were involved in Rupert’s quest, and they were not going to back out. Their brief friendship with Rupert had taught them much about their faith and their devotion to their God, thus they were willing to help Rupert accomplish his quest.

“So,” Rupert began, “What are we planning to do then?”

The Abbot was sitting in a well-cushioned chair beside the fire place in his quarters. The eighty-year-old man had seen much in his lifetime, and he now spent his time ‘meditating’ in his chair. Due to the habits of the Abbot, Father Marlin saw this as an opportunity to acquire the Fallen Diamond. Using this knowledge, and the Abbot’s desire to meet with those under him, Father Marlin made a plan to help the rat.

“So, …, how is your charge, …, whatishisname? Arthur?” The Abbot’s slow, drowsy speech indicated that he would soon fall into slumber.

“He is a focused student, who has proven himself many times…”

“Mm, …, good. Has he overcome the death of his, …, parents?”

“… Indeed, Novice Arthur Habakkuk Brown, has been involved in something recently that has made him forget his loss.”
“Mm… Is he being kept busy?”

“Yes, he is. A new friend has asked for his help, and so he is busy with that.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Mm… Enter.”
Arthur entered the room, carrying a tray.

“Ah… Brother Discours, good to see you. Please come in.”

Arthur replied, feeling slightly confused. “I have brought you tea and cakes.”

“Thank you my young man, set the kettle on the fire, …, mm… Please?”

Arthur set the kettle over the fire, and the tray on a table. While the Abbot and Father Marlin were discussing a multitude of subjects, Arthur, and the little rat on his shoulder, began to search the chamber. As they looked in all the corners, Arthur pulled a simple wooden staff out of his robes, that was topped with a polished pebble.

Arthur almost dropped the staff when the kettle began whistling. Arthur quickly made his way to the kettle, to take it off the fire.

“Ah… My staff, thank you Brother Discours.”

The Abbot reached out and took the staff from Arthur’s hand. As this happened the actual staff fell onto the carpet beside the fire. The Abbot did not notice this, as he had fallen asleep whilst clutching the falsified staff.


I love it please do write more! These fantasy worlds are wonderful and magical

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