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RE: [Short Story] - Protest

in #writing6 years ago

All I can muster is wow. You always bring your stories to life, and make the readers feel what you write. It made me feel as if I were at the scene. Although it is a story, it makes me wonder if these types of events truly happen.


Thank you so very much! That means a lot to me, especially because I tend to forget how much I also enjoy writing these shorter standalone stories. I can write them in one sitting, can immerse myself in a whole new world, and it's just one of the greatest feelings. :3 Completely different to writing a book haha :D Thank you for fueling this love within me further! ^^

And yeah, I wonder, too.
How many things happen that get brushed off as "someone else did it"... And how many people actually get away with such acts... Ugh. Might be best not to think about that....

You're most welcome. I have always enjoyed reading your writings. And I agree, is probably not a good idea to think about it. I stopped watching the news. I have enough chaos in my life.

I... ugh.. You're making me shy here! Slowly melts down into a puddle.
Thank you very much again! So very happy to hear that!

I stopped watching TV altogether some time ago, and I believe it's for the better. Not just because I'm one of the people who are too easily distracted, but also because they feed us cherry-picked information, and it's likely false at that. shivers. Ugh...

Lol, then we are even as I am super shy myself. I just hide it well. As for tv, I turned ours off a yr ago. I don't really miss it. If we desire to watch something, we go on netflix.
I like to read too, so finding things that draw my attention is how I roll. :) Which is how I found your stories :)

Could you... teach me?
I mean, I don't get red cheeks, usually... just suffer from the imposter's syndrome and pretty much suck at taking compliments because it feels... undeserved?
In my head it's like... "It's just a bunch of words... Anyone could've written that."
And then feel super uneasy because it feels like credit I don't deserve... Ugh.
Though, slowly, but surely, I'm working on improving that ^^ And I thank you very much for your support!

Same. If I want to watch something, I'll just watch it elsewhere, where there's also no commercials. OH THOSE DARN TV COMMERCIALS. ugh.

Yayyy :D I like reading also, though have somewhat neglected that lately... Bought some books to read before bed-time though, so I am moving in the right direction :3

Sorry for delayed response. Was overcoming back issues and then a very long day yesterday.
I too struggle with accepting compliments, because I find myself wonder if they mean it, or just saying things to be nice.
I have found that there are people who truly mean what they say. If my gremlin tells me it was a line of bs, I tell him shut it, and I look at what I myself feel was right, or good about whatever it was. Most times, it is that gremlin we all have, that keeps us down.
I truly believe all your writings are great, to me. But I also love westerns :)
As for books, I had bought some and had been gifted some, but find myself not reading as much as I used to. Some day I will pick it back up. :)

No problem at all, life does have the tendency to get in the way sometimes most of the time.
That too, yes. Especially agree with that little inner voice that just won't shut it =.=
Just makes you feel blah. Like, I have the text written for a book I told you about... Non-fiction... and I looked up some of the similar books on the matter, and it's all doctors and renowned psychologists and whatnot... Then here I am, a humble chemist who just happens to be interested in that topic. Feels a lot like I'm underqualified.
But no matter. It's a personal achievement for me to publish it, even if it either doesn't get read by anyone, or gets torn into oblivion by critics. I know I've put my all in that text, and at the end of the day all that matters is that I am happy with my finished product, though I tend to forget that all too often. Ugh.
Hope you don't struggle that way! Or at least remember to trust in yourself and ignore that gremlin when such a time arises. ^^

Looks back at the comment... Sorry for the wall of text again haha
Wish it was more positive, not a wall of whining. haha :D

Thank you so very much @pixiehunter! Though I might have to disappoint you that the Wild West series will end soon, partly because I have an ending in mind, and partly because I want to make something of it exclusive to the published edition - and the ending is the only thing I have left to conceal.
I'm evil, I know. haha

There's a time and a place for everything, I believe, but also.. As long as you read, be it a book or not, you're reading. I've much more enjoyed short(er) stories than full-out novels, and I don't really believe I've been left hindered because of that. I tend to forget all the names too fast - which is why Wild West only has 3 names to remember haha :D (Tom, James, and Ducköden :P)

Haha, the long reply is quite fine by me. I tend to do that sometimes. I have tried a few things before, and felt I wasn't good enough to get far, so I'd stop until something else came along. I sometimes find myself kicking my gremlin, for not letting me finish my first novel. Now it is a year gone by, and still not done.
I seem to do better with short stories. Honestly I miss my Chozzy, lol. Even with your western coming to an end, I still like them, and will look forward to the next book. I deem your stories worthy of reading. :)

Runs out to you, suctions you into a bucket to refreeze into your mould.

slowly thaws in your basement back to room temperature

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