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RE: Typewriters: The Ultimate Writing Machines

in #writing7 years ago

Yes, so much this! I can't focus for beans on a computer writing a first draft. First draft is typed on my typewriter (bought off Craigslist, btw), then I pen edit it, then I type it into Word (which naturally leads to more editing), then I print it out and pen edit it again, then I read it on a Kindle and make notes of more edits. Then I get the first copy from the printer and cuss a lot about formatting... lol.
I'm a pretty fast typist (on a computer, 100wpm; haven't timed it on my typewriter), but since Amergin (I named my typewriter) is from the 40s the keyboard layout is different, so when I switch from one to the other, there is a bit of muscle memory pause as I recall which machine I'm on!


I know what you mean about the muscle memory. It takes me a while to stop reaching for the carriage return lever, and I pound the hell out of my computer keyboards thinking I need the strength to make clear copy.

But nothing beats it for shutting out the distractions.

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