Her first time.....

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Julie always had a thing going for John it was not a hidden most times... From the occasional peeking to seeking for aid with class quiz(which most of the time she knew) and going for lunch breaks together.

Most of the girls started getting jealous: "I mean she just got here and they are getting along but I've known John for two sessions yet we barely greet" said Mary.

It wasn't stopping anytime soon as everyone in class started whispering/eavesdropping on their talks... It got so serious that at some point John had to walk into Christine who was lost in the conversation

source : pulse.ng

John: why are you always stalking me?
Christine: ....
John: what is it you want from me? let me have my space please!! ....

On seeing Julie approaching from the library John walked away.

Christine is one of the girls that was always on John toes in first year.... from the texts to calls to buying of lunch almost everyday of the week. Why would she care?? Both of her parents were engineers. She even got a Rolex watch for John on his birthday!!

Everyone back then except for her close friends thought she was dating John... She was very possessive and wanted him all to herself. Fast-forward to second year and John is with Julie. It was a sight she always choked on seeing, it gave her sleepless nights as to why she would do everything possible yet John wouldn't even invite her over to his place.

Things started heating up on campus and it was best everyone were on their own throughout the week. It was there for all to see... Julie was getting along while Christine suddenly faded from the picture, so John thought it's best to keep his space abit for the main time not only because of Christine but he had to focus on the semester's exams coming up the week after.

From then on it was only a hi and maybe 2seats apart with Julie, everytime Julie tried to get close he was always saying "I'm fine/don't worry I'll see to it personally" until she finally had to catch up with him during lunch that day.

"Have you been avoiding me of late??" ... He couldn't really give an answer to that at the same time he never even wanted the conversation in the first place. "Is she the reason you are acting up lately??", John knew he had to talk!! "..... I'm sorry about everything, it's just that I need to read and prepare for my exams"

She knew it was a lie and was more bitter John couldn't say it to her face:it's because of Christine but at the same time she too wasn't feeling OK.... John always helped out with quiz and other stuffs academically and maybe she has found love too?. So she stood up, left her food and went straight home. It affected her till her mum got to ask her what's wrong which she waved off saying she is having mood swings lately.

It was the last chemistry practicals before the exams next week and for this last one John, Julie and Christine were all paired in the same group!! on seeing the groups' list on the lab notice board, John knew it was another "war",
One which he is not ready to fight. He made up his mind not to get in anyone's way... "all I'm gonna do is do my tests, observe, get values calculate, submit my report and head off ... "

It was the second practicals on Wednesday, John had finished with his calculations with reports and submitted as he normally does and left early that afternoon. Upon submission, the lab attendant noticed an ommision in two of the questions so everyone were required to go with thier manuals and return it first thing tomorrow morning.

Julie had noticed John's manual on the table as she was just done in putting her name in the days attendance. At first she walked past it, but later came back to pick it assuring Mr Green it would reach John's hand that evening. On getting home she showered, took light dinner and almost dozed off before she remembered she had a package to deliver.

She quickly rushed out of her bed(lab days are always demanding and she was tired). 4 missed calls 6:15, 6:18, 6: 30, 6:45 and she later thought well maybe I'm doing for two??. So she started going through John's work for the day and saw some minute errors she made which she corrected some(she always disliked math) and was still going through the rest. 7:12pm her phone rang, it was John!! She thought of picking but yet again her 4 calls were hanging. The phone rang again and this time she picked.... "Hello..... "

To be continued.....

Have a wonderful week ahead.


Guy why now??? You didn't tell us it was going to be a suspense ooo... 😀 😀 😀
Now I'm going to have to wait for long to know what John told Julie... 😭😭😭

Hahahahhahahaahahahhahha bro we have more serious things to discuss u rnt replying your whatsapp... I'll complete it.

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