FRIENDSHIP and TRUE LOVE - A real story

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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Mark and Jennie are two best friends since their school days. Both of them had a strong bonding and they used to admire and respect each other. They used to go to school together, used to study together and so on. Mark by Nature is a very charming guy who loves soccer like a crazy and always asks Jennie to complete his homework. On the other hand Jennie is a sweet beautiful girl who is very cool and calm in nature. Mark loves to go to gym but Jennie is a skinny girl and mostly concentrated on her studies and social works. She loves to go to orphanage for kids and loves to spend good time with them.

When they grow up to their young age, Mark used to be so handsome and cool with his muscular body and Jennie used to be a simple girl with a messed up curly hair and a specs in her eyes. Before anyone could realize, Jennie started growing some feelings about Mark and she started feeling possessive about Mark. On the other hand Mark had no idea what was going on and he was treating Jennie just as a friend. Mark used to get many proposals, love letters from other girls which he used to share with Jennie just to choose a perfect girl for her. Jennie with very matured brain, used to ignore all of them.

Suddenly one fine morning Mark called Jennie's home to introduce his new girlfriend with Jennie but then he came to know that Jennie is hospitalized and in a very critical condition. She has a rare disease related to blood that brings down the platelets low and slowly kills the patient. Mark Immediately rushed to the hospital just to find her unconscious and doctors told that they cannot commit anything until they are going thru some round of tests and treatments. Jennie needed blood and Mark was ready to donate but unfortunately his blood group was not matching with her. Doctors arranged blood for her and started treatment. After 3 days, Jennie opened her eyes and she was looking even more skinny and dark spots under the eyes were really visible. Mark hold her hand and literally started crying leaving Jennie surprised. Probably on those 3 days Mark realized that he is so lonely without Jennie.

Jennie: Hey Mark what happened? why are you crying
Mark: I don’t know but these three days I was not able to sleep. I cannot see you in such condition
Jennie: What about Stella(Mark's New girlfriend who was supposed to be introduced by Mark and the reason he called Jennie that day)
Mark: (Surprised with big eyes) How do you know about her? I was about to introduce her with you
Jennie: (With a smile) I know everything of my best friend.
Mark: Leave all these crap now. I want you to be fully cured now and let's leave this hospital as soon as you can. I don’t like this place.
Jennie: Nothing is in my hand sweetheart.
Jennie: Can you please do me a favour?
Mark: Anything you say!!!!
Jennie: It's been a while I went to the orphanage. Could you please pay a visit and tell them I'll not be able to come for few days.
Mark: Sure I'll
Jennie: and promise me.. If I die, you will pay a regular visit to them.
Mark: (his heartbeat increased suddenly) please don't say all this nonsense. I'll not let anything happen to you and that's a promise.
Jennie: (a smile)
Mark: I'll come again tomorrow. till then please take care of yourself. OK??
Jennie: ( Nudged her head with a beautiful smile)

Couple of weeks later, Jennie recovered and about to get discharged from the hospital. Her parents came to receive her but surprisingly Mark was not around. Jennie was looking for her but she had no clue where is mark. Their car started moving towards Jennie's home when she called mark.

Jennie: (ringing...)
Mark: Hello pretty girl. how are you? all set to come back to sweet home?
Jennie: Where are you mark? I thought you will come here to pick me up.
Mark: Surely I would but I become so busy somewhere.
Jennie: Where are you?
Mark: Right now I'm at the place that my love likes the most.
Jennie: (sigh...) sure, I'm sorry... Enjoy your day.. talk to you later then.
Mark: Hold on Jennie, don't you wanna know at which place I'm in?
Jennie: (sadly) sure,...
Mark: While you were fighting with the diseases, I prayed to god that I'll arrange a party with the orphanage kids once the love of my life returns home being fully cured and recovered. And believe me god listened my prayer and my lady love is doing good now and nothing else can make me happy than this moment.
Jennie: Wh..what..??? I din't ge..
Mark: Yes Jennie, I was so stupid that it took me some time figure out my perfect match even, while she was so close to me for all the time. Will you Please marry me?
Jennie: (It was her another life that started today after returning from hospital, Smiling.....)

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I always believes in one principle.
"whatever happens, it has a good intention behind it, Nothing in constant all bad time will vanish one day." The above story is the example of this thought.


whatever happens, it has a good intention behind it, Nothing in constant all bad time will vanish one day, that is the truth. Nice post, really love it. Happy new year in advance

Thanks for stopping by and ur kind words. Appreciate it... Have a great new year ahead.

loving story very nice. love brings happiness.

Thank you :)

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