City Life VS Township Life- A Christmas Scenario

in #writing7 years ago


Town Life/City Life

Life in the City and in the Surburbs are two contrasting entities. I have been out of the city for a couple of days without my PC and it's been a rush, like am going to pass out without pressing my laptop. It takes some sweat and burn-out to make my daily posts with my mobile device.

As usual, Christmas is meant to be spent with your loved ones. In my own case, over the past couple of years i have spent Christmas alone or with just a couple of Friends and not with my immediate family. Life has been a mess with no parents to spend my Christmas Holiday with, even if they are wobbly old; i would have loved to spend my Christmas with them over and over again to make that season a unique one.

So, in other not to spend Christmas alone this year; i had spent the whole of my Christmas eve on the road doing an interstate journey to get up North-Western part of the country and it was tears floods upon my Arrival on this crazy journey out of the city of Lagos in so many years.

In the hours spent here; there is a distinct different in life in the surburb and city life. Everybody knows everyone, commuters greets even strangers and people seems extremely nice to each other unlike the city where everyone is tensed and always in a hurry to get home and away from home.

The Surburbs/Township has little or no Traffic congestion, the roads are free and things a quite cheaper compared to the city where things could cost in multiples during Yuletide. Traffic in the City alone is enough to discourage you from having fun in the festive Season.

Another Big difference is that, the city gets no winter/hamattarn. Extremely cold in other places but super warm in the City. In my journey for Christmas, i could feel the change in weather upon getting to the next city away from Lagos; the hazy atmosphere is something perculiar to Christmas here in this part of the World since we have no Snow nor winter!

In the Surburbs,indoor seems the best way to enjoy Christmas siince there are limited recreation centers which the city has in abundance and it could be very decitful for an individual with carefree attitude about spending.

My take, my comparison between Christmas and life in the City and in the Surburbs. What is your own side of the story.

Happy Boxing day to you beautiful people. Below are the links to my latest posts, i appreciate all the supports i have gotten from you all!

A Poem to The New Born King!




Human Jogging/Spinning(A Short Video)


THE WOMEN MAKING THE RAVES- Dedicated to all Super Women!

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Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


Great post man upvote comment resteem done ✌ ✌✌

wow great post my friend..i appreciate to your content..resteemit..

i just need to celebrate christmas with family and thats all, whether township or villageship (lols)
i always feel at home when am with family

merry xmas to you sir and happy boxing day also

Lol, the blockchain Accepts the Grammar.


Sometimes, one needs to get some peace and quietness, away from the hustle and tussle in the city. Being together with one's family too, is priceless.

It always depends, personally i think travelling to the village is better as i spend most of the entire year in town, on celebrating xmas alone i have never but will try sometime in the future. Here in Uganda towards xmas most people are leaving town for villages so you find that the towns are almost empty just echoes. Thanks for sharing, followed.

Oh wow, in Nigeria it's the reverse. Going to the city for Christmas is the order of the Festive season. Thanks for you wonderful contributions.

it's sucks to be alone man , and no one can replace parents not friends not even brothers , love of a mother is unspeakable , be patient friend , and only get married to the human copy of your mother in manners and attitude , that's my opinion however , this chriteria is only thing i'm seeking in a woman :)

Wow bro, exactly what i want in a woman bro. Part of the reason why i am still single...Thanks my friend for your encouraging comments.

You're welcome bro! And that makes 2,I'm single also for the same reason you are, can't afford wasting time on wrong chicks, people say It have to be an experience before marriage, i say meeting your soul mate is never a coincidence, it's God's will, and never let his people down. 😊

I lived in the both, in different occasions so I know how both 'modes' work.
The small town is an equivalent to the building block I live in the town, pretty much everybody know each other.

Wow, you are one lucky fellow my friend to experience both at once

thank's for sharing

This is wonderful, what an experience.
I know is not easy to forget those loved ones that have been called to glory, but God knows more than we do.

To me Christmas and life in the City and in the Surburbs is two coins of different sides. I love celebrating Christmas in the surbub because of the simple life,favourable weather çondition and most of all i have the opportunity of eaten those rich local foods. I celebrate Christmas in the city on rare occassions

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