3 Brave souls agree to expose themselves in Monday's writing class on Discord

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


UPDATE: This critique writing class has been rescheduled to Monday May 7th 8-10 pm Eastern US.

Earlier this week I posted a request for volunteers willing to have their posts critiqued in my Sunday night writing class. Three brave souls responded:

@dynamicrypto (though he may have been coerced by @dynamicgreentk)

Thank you for putting yourself out there as guinea pigs examples. I think you and anyone else who follows along with my classes can learn from the experience.

And for those still wondering, no. No one will actually be exposing themselves. It's a metaphor for how writers can feel when their work is reviewed, especially when it's done publically. Sorry to disappoint.

Whose post will be critiqued?

After reading all three, I have decided to critique all three during class. They are so different that I think looking at each of them is a great learning opportunity for all of us.

All three volunteers will recieve 2 SBI shares after the class is completed.

Take a look at the posts linked below:

If you plan on coming to the class on the Discord, read these ahead of time. I'll share some examples of the text, but I will mostly be focusing on the critique. Keeping the posts open in another tab or window if you can will help you follow along.


Click on the banner below to get a link to join the Dynamic Steemians Discord and my writing class. We're friendly, don't bite, and everything is done in chat so you can lurk freely. :wink:

enter image description here

writing class banner.png

If you have any questions about this content, please let me know in the comments. Or better yet, click the banner to join my channel on Dynamic Steemians' Discord!

Remember you can post any question at any time. You don't need to wait for a live session.


  • All images are mine or licensed from Adobe except where noted.
    -The Dynamic Steemians' banner was thoughtfully provided by @baa.steemit.
    -Memes created with VisualReel

Updated: thanks to @evlachsblog for pointing out my who’s/whose error. That’s what happens when you don’t leave enough time for self-editing or you’re more focused on finding memes than editing like I was!


I'm confused about 'going to class on discord'. I'm on there and in a couple of groups but its just chat.... can you elucidate please?

Sure @kilbride. The class in done by chat. I type in the lesson and people ask questions. If you join our discord you’ll see the section for my class if you scroll down a little.

Just click on the channel I underlined and then read along with everyone. If you want to see an example of it take a look at the summary in the link below. I included a lot of the chat in that summary.


Let me know if you have any other questions and I hope to see you there.

UPDATE: This critique writing class has been rescheduled to Monday May 7th 8-10 pm Eastern US.


Alright—see you then! 😊

Hi @ntowl .. I'm silently observing you, at times. You're really doing a great work, congrats (and tip!). I wish I could improve my style. Somehow I always feel the difference between the way I write and the syntax and/or vocabulary of a mothertongue.. I think it will be a real hard gap to fill, though, as it involves phrasal verbs and the sentence structure, between the many. Sorry for the outburst and see you around!


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