Finish the Story Challenge!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

She closed the door gently, but couldn't lift her hand from the knob. She leaned against the wall, frozen, with the confused expression of someone who forgot why they walked into a room. She pushed the door back in slowly, careful not to make any noise, held it there for a few seconds, and closed it again. No! she thought. Go, please go! Her legs started moving awkwardly, like they had forgotten how to walk. She pressed the button for the lift, but couldn't get in when the doors opened, and stood there motionless until the doors closed again. A note! Maybe I should go back and write a note! She started walking back quickly, so that reason wouldn't catch up with her.


Amanda had gone to the hospital to see Erick, but fear seized her. Erick was his fiancé an athletic and handsome man he met about 2 years ago.

Amanda was torn between the fear of sharing her life with a man who, if he recovered from his accident, would no longer be the same. Dr. Mckenny explained to Amanda that the accident had broken Erick's spine in the fourth vertebra and his chances of walking again were slim, if not impossible.

-How can I get married and have a relationship if Erick does not walk again? How much time will pass before Erick can stand on his own? These and other questions tormented Amanda.

Amanda cried for Erick and for her, she loved Erick but she was not prepared to bear the burden of her fiancé's illness.

From the hall Amanda saw the door of Erick's room and a part of her wanted to run to her side and tell her that she loved him, but her doubts and fears did not let her make a decision.
Finally, Amanda with a broken heart, left.

The years passed and Amanda rebuilt her life with another man with whom she had a son, but after a few years she divorced.

Erick left the hospital and little by little he recovered, over the years although he did not walk many of his motor functions with therapy and work he recovered them.

Erick became a trainer for the handicapped like him and regained his joy for life.

One afternoon Erick met Amanda in the park by chance at a sporting event involving Amanda's son. That afternoon they talked for hours and healed the wounds they had both had since their separation.

They both continued with their lives and each one on their side sought happiness that they could not achieve...



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