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RE: Notes #33 - Playing Dice With God

in #writing7 years ago

Thanks for your comment. The cyclical dream post is at work. I hope I said something meaningful :)

The current dreams were quite dark, but the story I have tentatively developed takes that and turns it somewhat on its head. It's somewhat surreal, given its origins. Playing around with concepts of salvation and meaning/purpose, and sacrifice.

Despite what may, or may not, come through in my posts, I am an optimist at heart. Just a realistic one. What philosophical camp does that fit into? So I tend to ebb and flow with the waves, but not so much at effect of life, just observing and trying to understand.


Salvation, purpose, sacrifice. Some of my favorite themes in fiction. A realism and optimism are not as mutually exclusive as one might think. The more optimistic we become, I think the reality around us responds. I feel so many people spout on about the law of attraction, but there is a certain power in it I suppose. I just feel that it is part of a bigger tapestry that God has put in place.

I have the story in the review section at the Fiction Workshop now. I hope I have done it justice.

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