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RE: SILVER LINING #24 (Part 2 of 3)

in #writing7 years ago

I hope no one thinks you to be running a scam. I need no explanation or reassurance, but I know I can't speak for others. You have my vote of trust, as well as my respect for your creative endeavours.

And I am glad I could help out in my own little way along the road. But ultimately good work gets noticed, I believe. And yours is good work.

And one other thing, your comments sections are some of the best I see on Steemit, and it has a lot to do with your attitude towards interacting with people who comment on your posts. That's well played on your part, in my humble opinion.

And finally, your support for this cause is noteworthy.


Yeah, I hope no one does too. I'm just covering my bases to be sure. You currently hold the distinction of being the top donor for A Day in the Clouds so the whole family sends their deepest appreciation for your gesture. Especially since you gave STEEM, if I remember correctly, when it was below a dollar. Now that the price has shot up, the value has quadrupled.

Aww mate, that's so nice of you to say :') I really worked hard trying to filter the awesome people here, so I'm glad the hard work bore fruit. You're part of those people, so thank you for contributing to that exceptional comments section. It has only just begun, and I'm planning to ramp up my effort in the coming months :D

I had a lot more Steem back in those days, so I am glad I gave some then. Would give some more if I could, or perhaps when I can. We'll see what successes the future brings. LI look forward to see what you have in store for us in the future also. You have my best wishes for your creative success.

Yeah, you were really on a successful streak. I have no doubt that you will make up what you lost and so much more, mate! Don't feel like you need to give more than what you're comfortable to lose. It's perfectly alright to save all your earnings for your health. We're just all thankful for the support you're already given :D

Thanks, the two way flow of support is the key here. Thant's what brought me back. The money was given with love, and energy has return to me in its own form. I know that. I think it is important to allow energy (of which money is just one form) to move freely. Words and encouragement are also energy :)

YES! Man, I can't stress that enough. Two-way support. Many people here feel like when they comment one short thought and say they started following you, that they're entitled for continued support and a follow back. That's why I've been wary recently, and only continuing to support people who really do continue supporting, and not just leaving a one-off comment. It's very rare to stumble upon like-minded individuals, so I'm very glad I stumbled upon you when I did :D

And yes, I do believe that money is just one form of energy, and that transference could take up different forms.

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