
Rereading now, to give it more attention, and yes, it breaks my heart again!

Awww @bluefinstudios I know how difficult it is to read.. but I am truly grateful that you are taking the time to do it. I will tell you, everything I've gone through has made me the person I am today, I'm not 'normal' by any means, my brain is a little messed up, and I probably view the world a little differently than most... but I am proud of who I am despite everything. I have not let this define me and I just hope that my story can help someone out there that has suffered like I have. Always look for the silver lining ... I promise there is one. I'm proof.

You are not normal honey, in a great way. You are so much more. Hope you can accept and acknowledge your potential. It sounds personal...our potential. But it's not. Who we are, our potential our true worth, will not be understood in our singular aspect of self....but in that universal battery we are connected to. That spark in you that is so pure and powerful. The love in you that are simply it...acknowledge that...connect to that. You are perfect. Just the way you are.

Wow thank you so much @kchitrah Your words are so very beautiful and so very kind. I read them and knowing they're are about me I just really don't know what to say but from the depths of my soul the biggest thank you I can muster. ❤❤❤

smiles shares a nice warm hug smiles again xx

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