
Yah... Short can be more difficult than long sometimes! I talked about that a couple days ago when I prattled on about why I choose the novella length for my writing - and why that, alone, causes problems of its own.

True. With short ones, you have so much to put together in only a few sentences.

But yes, long ones too have have their own difficulties. Trust me. We can just say all have difficulties. lol.

Maybe it is better, whenever writing, to not worry too much about the length, and just focus on the story. Thanks @viking-ventures

Yes, I think you're right - that is why I have decided to stick with novellas - and I've just had the most amazing surprise to see how well my Part 2 has done today! Gob-smacked doesn't half cut it! Can't wait to post part 3 tomorrow. :)
I hope you're well - keep posting great stuff!

You got curied. I was, also. a week ago, i think. It is something to be proud of. Means your work is top notch. Congratulations.

I am well, @viking-ventures. Great stuff! I agree. Thanks. Plan to keep doing just that.

Thanks. I hadn't realize I'd been curied until after that one told me as much on my Ask the Author post. :-)

It is such a pleasure to be curied. They pay attention to only fine works. being curied only means that that your work is top drawer. And my opinion? YES! It is. write on.

Thanks for your kind words as well!

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