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RE: How do you perceive your ideal self in the technological future? A DeepThink Challenge

in #writing7 years ago

A great, interesting and thought provoking article!

I haven't watched Star Trek myself, but I do remember seeing the 'Transporters' and thought how amazing that would be and often think 'if only I could just tele-transport to my destination right now'! Would be so cool, no pollution, queueing waiting, customs!! Big yes to that one!

Universal Translators - interesting to hear about this. I actually believe that the universal language of the future will be feelings. People will be in tune with their hearts and soul and will empathically feel and know what others are feeling and thinking and virtually all communication will be telepathic and through feelings!

The concept of micro-chipping people is one that I find really freaky! Having computers or evil people in control of the computer doing crazy things through mind control - seriously not good and needs to be stopped.

If humanity was based on integrity, compassion and honesty then life would be so different, so I agree with your resource based economy.

Thanks for the great post! :)


thank you michelle.. you know you make me think also.. i didnt mention it but i thought about it.. that the greatest technology is our own great divine creative power. When we start to rely more and more on tech, we let go of our own great potential. I think the best answer in fact would have been that our own body and mind is the best tech we have and all we really need! But you know when you have holodecks, maybe that can be Great fun also!

Isn't it wonderful to spark thought and new ideas in each other!
Yes it is true that being in our full Divine creative power is the most powerful technology we could have, and we do need to stay heart and soul centred and tuning into feelings to not let technology get out of control.
The holodecks sound fun, but also have a feeling of being separate from feeling the experiences. Take holding someone's hand, it has physical beautiful sensation and all those kind of feelings would be missing through a holodeck, unless I'm missing understanding the concept of holodecks?

well you are right, on the soul level.. but in fact the holodecks are indistinguishable from the real world.. and even people have totally fallen in love with holodeck characters!. so only if you are an empath would you really notice!!!

You can touch and even make love with a holodeck character!

Wow that sounds really creepy, and feels it too!

"On a holodeck you can enter any kind of world or space that is artificially generated by computer holograms."

Ultimately someone or some entity is controlling this artificial holodeck, so you're giving your heart to artificial. Sounds like this is an attempt to stop The Power of Love and Divine Creation from being in it's full power. When two awakened souls connect in Pure Love, Light & Truth then that power is literally Divinely magical . . . . so instead people are going to fall in love with a controlled artificial character - not feeling good!

yeah totally.. im really not promoting this for relationships ;-)
but the other aspects are quite compelling.. sport, travel, eco Tourism, education, collaboration.. many great things can be done with this

Yes I can see it could be good depending on how it was used. Would be an amazing way to learn for sure!

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