Why I write…steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago


I have these noises inside my head… sometimes they’re voices, clear and direct and on the odd occasion that I act on that kind of voice, I end up with 8,000 words written in one evening – that does not happen often, I’m afraid.

Other voices are like whispers coming at me from a distance and I have to work hard to hear them properly – even then, they don’t always make comprehensive dialogue for me to work on. I suppose they convey the shadow of an idea and I have to find what’s making the shadow and eke out the story. Those whispers are numerous and I don’t always grasp them properly or in time to make anything from them.

In between those are the voices that just ‘chat’. They have a good, solid base of a story and are happy to share it with me, but at their own pace, in their own time… when they feel like it. That can be one of the most rewarding and frustrating ‘conversations’ with my characters.

An introduction to my characters:

Hazel/Red is the main character in my story I’m sharing with Steemit – Deadlier Than The Male – She certainly lives up to the title too.

Red is a werewolf – or ‘Wolf’ as they prefer. She is head of the Wolf Police force, called the Sentinels and their job is to ensure Wolf society is kept hidden from human – or ‘Hume’ – eyes. The Wolf society is ruled over by their Lycaeon and she is the last in a long line of powerful and ancient Wolves. It’s Red’s job to protect her Lycaeon and to ensure her Sentinels keep Wolves in line – as much as a wild, ravening beast can ever be kept in line.

Dusty the Demon Hunter is a teenage half-demon. Her mother was murdered by her father, an Incubus and her grandparents adopted her and set about learning everything they could about the supernatural, especially demonology.

Celtica is unique in the fact that she is welcome in the worlds of both man and supernatural beings. She is a philanthropist of immense wealth and her adventures have yet to be fully developed and finished… one day…

Finlay Moran is another unfinished project. He is a young boy struggling through the disappearance and possible murder of his mother, living with an uncaring and often abusive father, just starting at ‘big’ school where bullies come in the shape of peers and teachers alike. Things don’t seem to be going too well for Finlay, but he’ll pull through, I’m sure.

I have lots of part-finished stories lying about the place and at one time I didn’t think I could ever write a full novel – but four novels, seven short stories and a lot of articles dotted about the place, I think I’m getting there.

I do try to push myself in different, less comfortable directions and I have a ‘traditional’ romance started. I’ve also dabbled with a little erotica and though I say so myself, it’s not bad at all.

One piece of advice I would always give – if asked – and that is ‘Never take NO as an answer, always search for a way to make it YES’.

The other advice would be to edit, edit, proofread and edit. Go over your work with a fine-tooth comb and make that writing shine. Polish your work, perfect it and your readers will thank you for it – so will your characters.

Good Luck, I think Steemit will prove to be the base for a lot of writing careers.


I think the easiest (and hardest) answer to why I write is....because I have to. The voices would continue to plague me in my waking and sleeping moments. Honestly, they're good stress relievers too - because where else can you have a whole lot of bloodletting and not go to jail? LOL
But I do love those 8-10,000 word days! :)

Even though I have absolutely no talent for writing fiction, not even a skerrick of an idea, I still get voices telling me what to write about next. Or maybe they are just thoughts, but it seems like it comes from "not-me". Trouble is, I get more messages than time.
Looking forward to meeting Celtica when the time comes.

Yes, that's it, Deb... your internal email ;)

Thanks for sharing this, it sounds familiar, that dialogue, or missing dialogue of ideas.
Steemit is definitely helping me to polish things and edit edit before I hit that scary POST button.
Here goes...

Good Luck @therealpaul. I do upvote your stuff as I find it interesting and diverse and I always think it's good to lift other authors. I believe there's no competition between writers, even in the same genre. We all have different perspectives and even if two or more writers were given the same project, each would produce different stories because of their experiences.

Let's lift each other up, there is enough out there in the big scary world to beat us down :)

I'm always encouraged when I see your upvotes, and I do appreciate it. There's a creative atmosphere here, just being in the company of so many good writers is inspirational in itself. And a little scary thinking they might actually be reading my scribblings! I'm glad you like it, thank you.

You're welcome! :)
If ever you'd like to chat - or at least pass a message to me - I'm Shell on https://discordapp.com
and michelle.gent on https://steemit.chat/home

What is the reason why the Wolf people are hiding from people or is it vise versa? Can't we all get along?

I'm not giving away all their secrets! I'm pretty sure they have me under observation as it is. Not many people get to divulge their secrets and live.

Just a sec... someone at the door...

I bet you I know that reason - the show must go on. LOL Don't be afraid to open your door. It's your favorite dog wants to lick you in the face.

I'm not sure werewolves can differentiate between 'lick' and 'eat' where faces of Humes are concerned ;)

Tell me about it. I am one-quarter werewolf myself. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Thank you for sharing the basis of your inspiration.I thought I was mad, I am not the only one hearing voices. LOL

Oh no, you're absolutely mad... but I'll tell you a secret... all the best people are ;)

Looks like some interesting reading ahead up voted and followed

Yes, I certainly think so anyway, but I'm biased :)

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