Storytelling Mentorship Group 2

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

There are a couple of people using the


tag so I'm encouraged.

If you write a story and you'd like me to take a look, use the tag and I promise to have a look at it and upvote appropriately - by that, I mean if the spammers follow us there, I'll be FLAGGING their posts, rather than upvoting, so please be aware of that.

So far, there are two stories there so please go and check them out.




Please write an introduction of yourself as though it's an observation of another person - take a look at @praada's post, he's done an excellent introduction.

If you cannot wrap your head around that, try 'interviewing' yourself (see my 'entry' later in this post) and write your results. After all, if you can't find some interesting questions to ask yourself, who will?

This is not like any writing group you've ever been part of, it's there for everyone to read and encourage everyone else and by that, I do hope you'll also be upvoting other posts.

Together we can ALL mentor, learn, improve and encourage.

I'll try to get some other mentors (and hopefully, sponsors) involved too.

This is me.

D Michelle Gent has come up through the 'ranks' of writing mostly by herself. She would freely admit that others have helped when asked and have guided her in the right direction (and sometimes the wrong ones) but by and large, just about everything she has done is off her own back. She has driven herself to learn how to write and then how to edit. She is always learning and putting into practice her new-found knowledge - and most importantly, she is more than willing to share that knowledge.

The skill of formatting is a work in progress, especially where html is concerned.

She can be pedantic and even anal about facts and details - by her own admission - and that is often what drives her forward (and drives her a little mad). The desire to have all her ducks in a neat row, every i dotted, every t crossed can perhaps be attributed to perfectionism rather than OCD tendencies.

Michelle has a scathing wit and sharp tongue and uses both with lethal expertise but she is learning to temper her use of them. Being on a multi-cultural platform such as, is teaching lessons about how others perceive humour and sarcasm (especially) and that others may not have English as a first (or even second) language and nuances may be overlooked or misinterpreted.

Michelle has never had any desire to become a schoolroom teacher but she does understand that she has a natural ability to help people understand the lessons she likes to teach - rather a paradox, really.

Michelle has written a number of books and has more in the pipeline. One of the books she is most proud and amazed at is Ash and the Favour-Man which she wrote in episode format over a six-week stretch last year (2017).

She promotes with enthusiasm and encourages people from all walks of life to 'give it a go'.

Michelle has been a proud member of the Steemit Community since August 2016, been to both SteemFests and made many friends in the community.

She can usually be found behind her laptop. Signs that she is still alive and / or awake are the constant tapping of the keys and the sound of the laptop fan in overdrive trying to cool it down as she heats it up.

Michelle's Amazon Page

Michelle's IMDB page

Today's favourite saying is:

“Have I gone mad?”
“I'm afraid so. You're entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, all the best people are.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


“Have I gone mad?”
“I'm afraid so. You're entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, all the best people are.”

Yes we are.

ah this is a lovely initiative for new writers! I haven't gotten around to trying the short story yet, but when I do I would love you to help me out by critiquing :) I will defo be using the tag! I will check out the 2 stories here too

A great example of how to write an introduction :) I liked it, you diluted your story with humor. During the reading, I smiled several times.

Signs that she is still alive and / or awake are the constant tapping of the keys and the sound of the laptop fan in overdrive trying to cool it down as she heats it up.

Common situation:)

Thank you for all the help with settling in and learning the right way to use steemit. It's been so much fun the last 2 weeks, face in my computer monitor or smartphone doing something I haven't really done since school, reading. Ready books and stories wasn't cool enough in my immature teenagehood...

I look forward to the second challenge.

You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.

This is an amazing experience. I really appreciate @frank1in and @praada for their outstanding contributions to the group.
As the #story-mentor is for guidance of amateur writers so we should encourage all for their efforts.
And your introduction is really easy and pleasing to read to understand you more.

This is really nice, i would love to use the tag :) I need a mentor, because my stories aren't as good as my intend. Not even half :)

Use the tag by all means, but please mention the group so your readers will also know you're using the tag to help your writing.

Also, could you write an introduction like I've mentioned Here

Hi Michelle, already wrote my introduction :) I will take you advise and introduce the group in all future posts :)

I appreciate the good example that you have shown me. I learn something new from you every day. You are truly a great inspiration for me. Thank you for being such a great role model.
Thank you for your guidance.

it seems interesting too me

thanks for the guidance

Here is my link
I used the tag "story-mentor" it is there too.

I'll check it out later. The last few days has been nuts!

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