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RE: Dusty and the Seven Shudder Sisters - Part 3

in #writing7 years ago

I just felt like no body was going to read something that would take that amount of time to finish-

I understand that, but you need to get out of that train of thought. Write for yourself, not for others. Make it a story YOU would read and you'll please at least one reader - even if it's only yourself :)

I would have liked to make it this particular story into several parts- but of course, I couldn’t considering it was a a contest.

There's nothing to stop you from making it a longer piece now you've put it into the competition :)

Don't save your best ideas for later. Use them now, one may be the very thing that gets the attention of your potential audience and they follow you because of it.

I consider you signed-up!


You’re absolutely right I didn’t join Steemit because I wanted to become rich, I joined because I wanted an outlet for my writing and a place to share my hobbies.

Now I wouldn’t go as far to say that I didn’t put my heart into that piece. I may have rushed it for the sake of the content- and wanting to publish it now rather than later.

But with that being said, I will admit but ideally I would have liked to make it into almost a short book length. 50 pages or so.

I’m thankful that I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with you a bit here on Steemit. All the upvotes and comment replies have really helped support and encourage me.

And your candor I highly respect. Cannot wait to learn more from you!

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