Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 60

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween 2016 and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Jessica stood up then, his hand still gripped her arm and it was beginning to hurt but she didn’t allow herself to panic – until he moved with her to stand at her side and then he began to push her, gently at first, backwards towards the wall.

When her back and then her head hit the wall she knew that she was in trouble, she had nowhere to go and no-one was coming to disturb them.

Entwistle began nuzzling her neck and she turned her face away from him. Tears pricked at her eyes but she found that she was determined not to cry.

She wouldn’t let the bastard do what he wanted with her or to her; she’d fight to the death first. Jessica had had a total change in the last day or so and sometimes even she didn’t know what she was capable of.

She did know that it was because of the conversation that she’d had with the Wolves in her dream that she was changed – altered.

She knew neither how nor why, but she did realise that she liked the new and confident Jessica and she also knew that she wasn’t going to roll over and allow this worm of a mangy cur have his way with her through intimidation.

If she could say that about a real life, dangerous and terrifying beast of a werewolf, she could take on and conquer the world.

Jessica pushed him away with her free hand and he grabbed that too, then he kissed her, he forced his mouth down hard on hers and she felt her top lip split as it was pressed hard against her top teeth.

Then she felt his sharpened teeth against her mouth, his tongue flicked at the split in her lip and tasted the blood there and she knew that he had become too excited to stop himself. If she was going to survive this assault, she was going to have to stop him.

He pressed his upper body against her and then his hips, his groin pushed against hers and she could feel his hardness against her and it disturbed and revolted her.

She tried again to push him off and he smiled.

“I know you like this Jessica; you’d struggle far more if you didn’t. This is the kind of foreplay I prefer too,” and he kissed her again, harder and then his tongue slid its way over her lips but no further because she had her teeth clenched tight.

Then she suddenly opened her mouth and allowed the tongue in. It felt like a warm and insistent slug to her and it was just as seductive. She bit down on it hard. Her teeth punctured through the firm muscle and she gagged on the coppery tang of his blood, as much because of the source of the taste as from the taste of it.

His screech was muted because he screamed into her mouth but he dragged his bleeding tongue from the grasp of her teeth and she realised that she had almost bitten clean through it.

Blood washed over his bottom jaw but she was horrified when she saw that as he held it in place, it began to repair and knit back together and she had missed her only chance to run.

He hit her from the side with a half-punch half-slap and it knocked her to the floor.

Her split lip was bleeding and, so too was her cheekbone. She touched it with her fingertips and they came away bloody.

She was in a sitting position on the floor with her legs bent under her and in no position to launch a counter-attack.

He came at her again with his arms open wide to engulf her within them.

His teeth were sharp and pointed and his eyes shone with an insane luminescence that she had seen only a few times, when the Wolves were on the hunt and overwhelmed by their bloodlust.

She performed the only avoiding manoeuvre that was left to her and she lay flat to the floor as he leaped at her. He didn’t go right over her, but he did miss his target and crashed into the wall behind her.

He landed on top of her and as she tried to roll from under him he was far too fast and he caught hold of her hair and pulled her backwards, her spine bent backwards and her arms flailed in an attempt to fend him off and keep her balance.

He kissed her again but kept his tongue firmly inside his own mouth and his mouth moved downwards to bite her throat.

The tearing she felt was excruciating, the tender flesh was almost sawn away by his teeth and her blood spouted and hit the chair she had been sitting in.

Spots of blood spattered onto the table and she was astounded at how far her blood could pump. She didn’t feel as much pain as she had at first and she was amazed that she could seem to wonder at the amount of blood there was, spraying into the air and how high it was going.

She could hear the noises of tearing and slurping and they were horrible to hear because she knew that he was inflicting the damage upon her person and it wasn’t a film that she was watching, the blood was real and it was hers.


So who if anyone is going to walk in? Is this the turning point for Jessica, a bit early for lord grey, and most likely the death knell of Entwistle. Maybe.

That would be my guess too. Foolish, foolish Wolf.

I honestly cannot remember!

That's alright, we'll all find out together. Well, I might be a bit later than the rest of you. I haven't read anything today, so will have two days posts tomorrow.

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