Storytelling Mentorship Group.

in #writing7 years ago

I wrote This Post and asked if anyone was interested in being mentored. I looked at one or maybe two posts, but if you'd like me to look at a story you have written, please feel free to drop the link here in the comments.

@isleofwrite, @techslut, @frank1in, @mother2chicks, @anayakhan, @brightex, @cyprianj, @naquoya @cheema1, @peterloupelis, @adityabhat, @cecicastor, @iamanwaar, @mgaft1, @theessential, @jcedwards, @alexpavlenko

I have to apologise because I didn't follow-up on this. I'll make an effort to get to see everyone's story. Put your link in the comments and I'll go take a look :)


well i just got old post of you i mean i just read that one and i think its a great idea story telling .

As someone that has known you for quite a few years, you have improved my ability to write far beyond what I thought I could manage.
I give you 10 out of 10 for mentoring.

I think you have a bad habit of pushing the praise onto others when you should take it for yourself. Your imagination is up there with Douglas Adams and I love all your work.

Saying that, I'm taking the 10 out of 10 and running with it!

I have Ginabot notifying me whenever anyone says 'douglas adams', lol.

Sorry, Michelle... I followed you but haven't really been engagin much with your posts. I have the same problem with @markrmorrisjr ... You guys have stories that were started waayy back and the time it would take to start from the beginning intimidates me (especially since right now my reading time goes mostly to David Copperfield, hehe, which I'm very happy to finally be reading!)

Will you be starting a new story soon?


Douglas Adams

I'd encourage you to read 'Bouncer' from the start as that is going to be a full novel and I'm just winding-up to the good bits.

Dusty is going into her 8th adventure and they usually last around 10,000 words (10 - 15 episodes) and the Fact or Fiction series can be dipped in and out of at will as they are stories that stand alone.

Apart from that... yes, I have stories that are clamouring to be started and I can only resist them for so long.

Thanks @ginabot!

Ok, I'll go find Bouncer's starting page and bookmark it =)

Will also make an effort to stop by your blog more often ^^ And fan of Douglas's is a friend of mine! ;P

As for mentoring, I have a fun idea for a collaborative writing project, so will link that once I start.

As for now, I've been posting my poems, from my late-teen years, if you'd like to critique them ;P Today's post was one of them. I do one every Tuesday.

I put the links in every post, so all you need to find is one Here

I hope you enjoy the story. Please let me know if you do - or don't! :)

I'm not much of a poet, but @jcedwards is excellent. Speak nicely to her and she may drop by :)

Aww, thanks for the shout out, my friend! I'm already following @mandelsage and looking forward to more visits from him. :)

Been tied up for the last few days with legal issues (not of my making). I will write another story soon. It may be the weekend as I still need to be away from home for few more days! Thanks, Michelle.

No problem. I hope you get everything sorted and can relax soon xx

Brilliant work to guide the newbies. you are doing exemplary work. I appreciate it. Here I must say that excellence is never an accident, it is the result of intelligent and consistent hard work. Thumbs up to u 👍

Why thank you! It does take practice, I have to admit and I know I'm fortunate in the fact that I enjoy what I do.

Here is my story link- by the original post I didn’t see any “rules” yet so I started a multi part series that’s non fiction. Here is the link

It’s gonna be a really intense story. I’m actually picking up police report records this week in regards to my story.

By the way Michelle, I’m willing to start a fiction short story / etc if that’s the preference

No rules, it doesn't matter if it's fiction or not.

I read your story and I'm looking forward to reading more (so that's a good sign).

One thing I did notice, you used 'breath' instead of 'breathe' - a breath of fresh air - breathe the life back into it.

Thanks for catching the error. I corrected it now..

Thanks for reading- I’m going to be posting part 2 in the next couple days.

Would you advise me to change my main tag for part 2 - I never feel confident in my tags. At this point, I’m not sure how much it matters but it’s worth at least contemplating.

Thanks again.

really nice to see this... I don't have anything at the you will be busy. I will resteem in case someone else need to see this

Thank you! I think I'll be busy too... but you know... I've been helped some on my journey and I like to pay it forward :)

Today I want to prepare a new story (I founded a story on real events). Later I will send you a link. And tomorrow I'll do a new job that you presented to us today :)

You are a great and fantastic mentor for us I really appreciate your perseverance, integrity and people-loving nature. Thanks for opening my eyes to new opportunity and strength. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness. Thanks for being a good mentor and for guiding me.

You're most welcome :)

It's my link
Hopefully I get a nice appreciation from you.
Please comment if there is my mistake.
Your comment made me grow.
Thank you

That's a link to your page not a story you want me to critique.

I don't think you've understood the purpose of this.

Ooe ...
I'm sorry about this.
I think I linked my steemit name.
Turns out I misunderstood
I'm sorry

Okey mrs

This is what I wrote 2 months ago:

I haven't been active on steemit so much but I will be from next week so I'll post some more. Thank you for this opportunity!

I'll take a look, but if you have something new, so I can vote on it, that would be good too :)

I read your story and the subject matter is good. However, to draw in the reader more, try to get deeper into the characters.

Show the reader how the girl felt, rather than telling the reader how she felt.

Margaret's heart plummeted in her chest, it felt like a physical blow and rather than how she had imagined her mother to react - a hug and, "I'm so proud of you, well done!", there was this - rejection, disappointment and resentment.

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