Douglas A-24 Banshee, Caption Contest #26 or Why Steemit Must Follow Time

in #writing6 years ago (edited)
“On time” does not mean advantage; “anticipation” does. The best who handle anticipation live two-way—in the Future and the Past. Even better than those are the ones who have a Station in Time. We are M&E 422 LLC, we are competitive writers and we invite you to futurize your texts with us!

Our superluminal 2046 suggestion for the Caption Contest #26 is “Douglas A-24 Banshee.”

Credits: New Art Caption Contest #26 by @runicar as modified by @MaresPW with Plastic model USN SBD-2, OupsModel

“Douglas A-24 Banshee” as seen in 2046

I won't go into the operational history or the most fabulous details, but here is part of the encoded message and why we think that this very plane is penetrating the Time and Space to say “Hi!”:

The prize for the contest is in Steem Backed Dollars, which are abbreviated as SBD. Scout Bomber Douglas, abbreviated as SBD, was the main WWII US Navy's carrier-borne scout plane and dive bomber. Tough and reliable almost like an expat, it was able to sustain severe battle damage and still return home. In the Battle of Midway in June 1942, the type earned its nickname “Slow But Deadly” (SBD) (The way we think Steemit handles things).

Banshee is a female spirit in Irish mythology who heralds the death of a family member. When one hears that Douglas SBD Dauntless had its Air Army Version as the A-24 Banshee, one would suggest that it was the deadliest one, but the truth is that it was used mainly for training rather than combat service. The USAAF used 948 of the 5,937 Dauntlesses built, and the A-24 had three versions—A-24 (Steemit), A-24A (Golos), and A-24B (?). Lack of anticipated calculation hurts the pocket, right? It hurts life! Convert it to hours spent building the additional units and the hours and resources spent managing later the excess, BUT WHAT IF the US needed those? Nobody can tell! (or can?)

The picture is in predominantly red and violet colors.

Apart from the apparent cut for the propeller, and the absolute position of the physical capacity of the plane, the Dauntless squadrons used to attack ships and other valuable targets beginning the dive at 15,000 to 20,000 feet.

Light is electromagnetic radiation within a particular portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The human cone action spectra do not allow us to see individual wavelengths for one type of our cones is most sensitive to red wavelengths and the other two—to green and blue. Violet is scattered most by Earth's atmosphere, and if only violet wavelengths were distributed, then we would see the violet light with a reddish tinge instead of the blue pale. Perhaps, in 2046 we would already have augmented our capacity to perceive colors. Of course, the only way for science to advance with the right steps is to create the needed conditions, and two of those are peace and cultural cohesion.

My subtle message:
@steemit will advance accordingly to user's needs or the most capable of us will “branch.”

Thank you for reading and for voting for Douglas A-24 Banshee!

Now that you know some more about our title argumentation, how do you feel about it? What do you see or do not see as possible?


31 May 2018, New Jersey, US
© Copyright M&E 422 LLC @originalworks

Editorial note:
1. A-24 is a numeronym (number-based word) and as such is accountable for one word.
2. This is experimental writing and as such has for goal to introduce a random object one can deliberately exchange with a similar one or even modify the entire story.

@hyperfundit, thanks for radio-waving the contest!

M&E 422 LLC | “The Polymath Equation of Personal Pronouns.”
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Language is mathematics disguised with emotions. We are language enthusiasts, and we love what we do. We have launched our 422 startup in editorial writing so that you can love it, too. To join us as a guest author, contact us! To join our collaborative team on @Discord follow While our platform gets ready, we have published specifications for language-related topics on Tumblr.

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Note: Our articles are written under the editorial responsibility of the author who signs those, and may not represent the position or the opinion of the company and the rest of the team. Also, we publish experimental writing under the creative spectrum; and it must be interpreted as such—experimental of fictional writing.

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