That moment you tell your wife about the money you've made on Steemit

in #writing8 years ago

 We are not rolling in the money.

I am a fifth grade teacher. My wife is a minister.  We roll in debt. We bathe in it. 

Despite building careers were we try to help others; things are very tight financially.  Yesterday, the starter on my car died. A 2010 Santa Fe, it was the first problem I’ve ever had with the car. 

It had also just passed 100,000. That’s a $500 fix.  

Our daughter has her fifth birthday next week and has been begging for a Chuck-E-Cheese birthday. Those aren’t free. (Unless you know someone, in which case, please email me.) 

But yet, I've been making money on the side with Steemit.  Some actual in my checking account money.

I have not talked to my wife about Steemit yet, because frankly I couldn’t fully understand it, or believe it. 

My wife and kid getting eaten by debt as I tell them about Steemit.

“What do you mean I get paid to blog, comment, and upvote? What’s the catch? Where’s the money coming from?”  Those were the questions I thought she was going to ask, but really they were my questions. 

So after getting towed to the garage, I lost another set of keys in the process. That was a fun moment. Which really means, my wife was handling it well, I was not. 

So with the kid taking a bath, and us chilling in front of the TV, I thought okay now is the moment. 

“I have something I’ve been working on that I want to share.”

 That’s how I opened the conversation. You know light and breezy. 

“I’ve been working on something that has been bringing in a little money.” 

“Okay, that’s good,” she replied. 

So, then began the long explanation of Steem and Steemit. As we all know, that’s such an easy conversation to have.  

I opened the computer to my wallet at that time it showed a value of just over $14,000. 

“Are you telling me you have $14,000 in cash?”  

“In cash? Not completely.”  

I showed her the post I wrote about comparing Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars, to CDs, a savings account, and a checking account.  

“Where does the money come from?”

 I spoke for several more minutes without any worthy explanation. (If you have been able to do this satisfactorily to your spouse, significant other, please explain in the comments.) 

“I have not put any of our money into this. I have only put my time.” 

“That’s good.” 

“How long has this site been up?”

 “I think since April or May.” 

“So, you’re telling me you’ve made $14,000 in three months?” 

“No, I’ve been on for three weeks. I’ve made $14,000 in three weeks.” 

Blank stare for a moment, “Well, okay then.” 

“But I have already transferred $108 into my checking, and another 200 and something is coming tomorrow. This pays me in actual cash.”

 “That’s good.”

 Our daughter yelled that she needed to get out of the bath, so my wife went to get her.

“So, does this mean we CAN go to the beach this summer?”

 “Maybe. We’ll see.” I turn back to my computer.

Sweetie, in a couple of years we’ll own a house at the beach.     


Lol. Perrrrrrrfect close of that post.

I've explained to my spouse. Read the white paper if you haven't yet. How to best explain to your wife depends on how your wife thinks. Mine just cared that the money converted into something that can buy groceries. If yes, then stop and keep going until you have more money for groceries. Rinse. Repeat.

Also, if it could help, more analysis of the platform: Steem Solved the Prisoners Dilemma

This post me me feel all warm and fuzzy, best of luck to you and your family.

Thank you, that actually makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

I can totally relate to this! lol

Now you just get her to sign up and you are golden!

This type of warm story is exactly what Steemit needs right now.

Its funny people who are not familiar with cyrpto currency dont get it until they see money on the bank statement. Good post!

Count me among those that didn't understand it until I spent money from it. :)

I have been following your posts good stuff. one of my hobbies is history and tech so ill be posting more about that.

Thanks! I tend to post all over the place.

I explained it to my wife by the creation of a social media platform to stabilize the currency value of Steem, which is being paid out for content creation and curators paid for by investors buying the currency.

But you knew that. My wife, like yours is in ministry and is smart and so she understood it.

Or is faithfully trusting.

When explaining the difference between getting paid in Steem Dollars and Steem Power, she replied "So it's like putting into your retirement account and your checking account."
I paused and said "Actually that's a good analogy." I should have added that to the post.

@mctiller you have a sharp wife and great optimism. Thanks for all of the posts using analogies for those of us new to cryptocurrency. Keep it up!

Martin, that is exactly how I broached the topic of steem with my husband. I waited a while too - difficult to explain. He has seen me abandon ideas and projects once too often. I get the bug and collapse. This is different. The money is a side effect. I am producing. And being rewarded. I'm still in shock about that. His reaction was much like your wife's. :)

I've been trying trying to explain Bitcoin and other digital currencies to friends for sometime now. Most think I'm nuts and that it's all a scam. I own Bitcoin but never spend it so no one ever actually sees the fruits of my labor from all the time I've spent leaning about it. It's just sad to see a lot of my friends just brush this stuff off when they are the ones that really need it the most. Steemit is the first thing that I've come across in the crypto space that I think will hit at a ground level. It has a very low barrier to entry and I think it has revolutionary potential to change lives.

House at the beach, now that's the kind of thinking I like to hear about. I am just starting out on steemit and am enthralled at the possibilities. I think one of the aims I definitely have for myself is a house at the beach!

Yes! House at the beach!

I'm in awe a what steemit is doing... It really is fantastic.

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