Writer's Block Knock Out!!! Easy and effective method

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Every single writer in the world has faced writer's block at one point or another. I know from personal experience it can be quite frustrating.

But there is a method I use, It’s simple and it works perfectly (at least for me) So, I’ll share it here and who knows … I might help you someday.

The Writer’s Block Remedy:

Writer’s block can be called “resistance” or “Self Criticism”

And it can really be cures by a simple Idea… are you ready?

Allow yourself to write bad stuff.

That’s basically it, actually.

But don’t worry, we are going to look into it.

No matter what mask the “block” might wear, it is always the same character behind the mask. If you have the need to perfection or your afraid of looking stupid or you fell you’re not inspired today… it doesn’t matter … it’s all, self criticism.

In reaction to that, we can say that it can all go away just from allowing yourself to write garbage. (Let me point out the fact that, I’m not telling you to write garbage)

If you allow it, the pressure comes of and you will be able to write . Don’t forget writing is actually re-writing.

(Hey, it worked for Hemingway)

This is really the most important aspect of it. Just write and don't expect it to be your best thing ever. You will re- write it later.

Use/ make slash marks

Just write, don’t criticise it while your writing.

Every time you analyse you’re writing, you allow that self criticism to surface and you loose focus/ momentum.

Slash’s are a great way to avoid this. Just used them at will, whenever your not sure of the best word and so on…

Again, you will critic it later. Just let it flow.

Like wise you can’t create and criticise simultaneously. Allow yourself…

Write on days you don’t want to write

This can be one of the most dangerous form of writers block.

It's the less productive and the one who can take the longest. It comes wearing the mask of procrastination.

Many days you tell yourself you can’t write today… you’re not inspired. Quite common.

One thing you can do, for example, is to re-write. Yeah, this time you can criticise. You can go and just edit you have done later… most times you will start to get inspired and end up writing new pages…

Or imagine you write all new stuff and later when you go and criticise it, you erase 80% of it… well… you have those 20% now.

If you don’t sit down to do it… You have proven your point: ”You won’t write today”

Allow yourself….

The timing technique

I love this technique… it always helps me.

You can set aside a small amount of time. Let’s say you’re putting a Pizza in the oven, or your waiting for the bus or anything like that…

Write as much as you can for those few minutes… the key here is: Allow yourself to write bad stuff and really try and write as much as possible.

Do this a few times and you will see inspiration coming out of you.

So here it is...

My remedy for Writers Block.

Hope this was helpful.

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Pictures (Except Logo) from: Pixabay.com


This is very inspiring and the kind of content I want to read more of, you have my vote and my follow.

This is the kind of writing that makes me look at myself and want to go write more.

Thank you for being a part of my steemit experience!

~ @Timbo

Thank you very much @timbo

Really makes me happy tat you liked it. Your comment inspired me to keep on writing too.

Keep on Steemin on! You are very welcome my friend~

It's so true ... fear of writing bad stuff is what holds me back. So what? write bad stuff, edit later. Can't hit the ball out of the park every time. So, even if you write mediocre, post or publish without any attention... who cares, it's a moment in time, life goes on and there is always hope that the next time is better. Thanks for "unblocking" me!

My pleasure! I'm really happy you liked it and found it useful.

Thanks a lot for your comment @revv360 it really means a lot to me.

You are very welcome! I had a touch of writer's block yesterday and I told myself, "Just write ... who cares if it sucks." Your influence is greatly appreciated!

This is a really great article with some very helpful tips!
Thanks for sharing :-)

Very glad you liked it and found it useful!

Thanks for the comment!

Great tips! :) Will try it out the next time my writers block is approaching! ;)


Let me know if they help ;)

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