Plot Or People? One's Usually First, For Writers

in #writing2 years ago

One of the reasons I'm struggling a bit with my new writing project is that I usually start with a plot, then find characters to fit into the story. This has drawbacks, the biggest being that as I create my characters, they sometimes become so real to me that they start saying things I don't want to hear:

"Yeah, I know you plan for this to happen, then that to happen--but I just wouldn't do those things."

You're just a character, do what I tell you.

"Fine. That'll be my voice in the back of your mind--and you ain't heard nagging yet."


Don't even get me started on Beth Hamlin.

Stupid characters. But they're usually right, and I've been known to make changes accordingly. Just the same, I start out with a plot, and the major plot points usually stay the same, as does the ending.

This time out I started with great characters: a group of firefighters on a fictional department somewhere in the Midwest. I had a great setting, background on all of the above, and even some scenes already playing in my mind.

But no plot.

I did have a general arc going on in the background, but mostly the story was about the day to day lives of my characters, and the challenges they faced on the job. It was episodic, like a series of short stories put together, or a TV show about firefighters, of which there are many. My favorite remains "Emergency!", which is indeed put together that way. Season long plot arcs would have been laughed at, back then.

fire potographer.jpg

Can I find new story ideas from personal experience? Yes. Yes, I can.

But I want a plot. I'm a plot guy.

And here's the thing: I have identified a plot idea, but it's deadly serious, tragic, and very "ripped from the headlines". If you know my writing, you know I generally keep to light escapism, and my characters are all set to have a lot of fun in their life and death careers.

I'm not asking for a solution, mind you (although if you want to offer one, hey!) I'm only complaining because talking out loud helps me resolve these dilemmas. It seems to be working: Even as I write this I realize the Big Bad event I've contemplated would set things up for future books in a series, if that should happen.

And those future plot ideas I have come up with; all I need is an opening.


(Remember: Every time you buy a book, a writer's career could blow up. Not literally. Well, maybe in my case.)"Mark R Hunter"


the only reason I have never such problem as I start with blank piece of paper and story writes itself somehow through me. So Im just a conductor. The words, the charachters, the plot come as a river flows from nowwhere, you just need to enter this creative river) so maybe try theses with your characters just sit down and start writing and they will lead to

I'm glad that worked for you! I have indeed tried it, and it has never led me to anything but dead ends. But the great thing about writing is that there's more than one way to go about it.

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