The Road Ahead - Step One: Fantasy Fight Club!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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This is MajorMajorMajorThom to my fellow Steemians,


Recently major decisions and forces in my life have left me with the most valuable resource of all: Time.
As the Ovidian saying goes, Tempus edax rerum: time, devourer of all things. Instead of languishing in it, however, I wish to nourish it. To feed it the sweetest meal of all: my creativity. I desire to make time my friend, tame it if you will.
Quite a statement, it's true, but I assure you I have not lost my mind. Trust me, I have no desire to doff my most cyberpunk of trench-coats and climb the highest skyscraper and scream to the heavens that I've mastered the art of Chronomancy.
No, nothing like that at all, I promise. Instead, what I'm talking about is just the opportunity to focus my resolve and concentrate on being the creative I want to be, on a platform I think very highly of: Steemit.
Gone are the days of planning endlessly, overthinking to the point of immobility, of playing it safe and waiting for The Time to arise, saying "it is out of my hands" and being an “armchair creative”. The time has come. It's now. The hands have struck 12 o'clock.
So, please join me on this journey as I kindle a dormant spark and fan the bellows of my creativity. And a journey it will definitely be; every new post will be another step forward into the unknown future, as I find my voice and develop my skills, to then be used as a foundation to take the next one. Soon a collection of steps will turn into a walk with its own particular gait, and then a run, and then with that momentum, we can chart a course into more interesting and difficult terrains.
That said, over the next couple of days, I would like to take the time to share a “Statement of Intent” of sorts. I wish to lay-out for you, oh wonderful community of humans, a basic road-map of my creative pursuits for the coming future. If not for you, my fellow Steemians, then for myself at the very least.
I'll start with the project that I’m possibly the most excited about:

1) Fantasy Fight Club (FFC)

Together with @your-nomad-soul, we plan to develop an exciting new idea (we think) for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition-related content: Fantasy Fight Club, or FFC for short.
In the simplest terms and most convenient definitions, FFC is D&D PvP, pitting Player against Player in (mostly) single and deadly Fantasy combat in a variety of deadly arenas and environments.
Think Roman Gladiators and WWE combined, with all the numerous bells and whistles of the latter, but with Barbarians, Rogues, and Wizards, all fighting it out with the ultimate goal of wearing the Ultimate FFC Crown of Champions (which may or may not induce Madness and/or Possession by an Ancient and Nebulous Eldritch Horror).
The only limit is imagination, and the foremost rule is the "Rule of Cool". Our guiding principle is crafting an entertaining and engaging spectacle of collaborative Internet-based Tabletop Role-Playing, the actual combat coming a close second.
Ultimately, our goal is create a community-based Tabletop Role Playing “show” of sorts, where our community can enter their own characters into the FFC, participate in matches against other members in the Proving Grounds and make their way up the Ladder as they fighting their way into the Premier League, and eventually claiming the aforementioned Ultimate FFC Crown of Champions (and all the associated bragging rights) for themselves and entertaining their community in the process.
We’re still working out all the little kinks and details, as well as setting up the necessary infrastructure, but keep your eyes and swords sharpened for broadcasts from the FFC Arena, coming to all scrying devices from somewhere deep within the Astral Plane.
Both @your-nomad-soul and I are excited to get started and look forward to showing you once we have something a little more substantial.

Tomorrow I’ll post about the next project I’ll be working on for the immediate and (hopefully) far-reaching future:

Major Screen Time

Till then, I hope to see you in the comments.

This is MajorMajorMajorThom, over and out.

Scribo, Specto, Lego, Cogito, ergo sum

Linked Image


The concept sounds nice. I'm sure with this kind of explanation, FFC will come out awesome.!

We're truly hoping it will be! We want to offer great entertainment and narrative, while also pushing the D&D5e system and the imagination to its limits, and develop a meeting ground (or should I say meating ground) for a community of creatives and storytellers!

Cool idea. Ping me when it's ready. I have lot's of character that could try their hand (or hoof. or claw). I enjoy creating characters.

I absolutely love creating characters too. Probably my favourite is Pookie, a Druid Orangutan that was turned into a Dwarf by some mystical powers. A true "wild man", with no manners and zero socialization.

This is exactly what i was looking for! Cant wait to get started!

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