Shaping The Future And The History of Humankind Through Blockchain Technology

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

"History is written by the victors" is becoming irrelevant with the existence of blockchain technology. It enables an individual to control the transaction or information happening in the system. Blockchain will also allow each of us to change the way history written.The victors will no more write it. But you and I can document and record the current situation in the most honest possible way. It is an advanced system of journaling.


The technology itself is also a gateway to minimalize biased information,a missing link or even possible misconception. As a result,the next generation will be able to read the beauty and the beast of our current civilization.
Uniquely, blockchain technology is trying to bypass the centralization of the state and makes it decentralized which means we’ll be autonomously responsible for our actions. In other words, we don’t need the state to approve our transaction or even our published works.It will make it easier to each of us journaling the current situation with free censorship.Correspondingly,the term of the banned book will be nonextant.
The blockchain cannot alter information written after a certain amount of time. Once it published, it will stay forever.It’s an incorruptible record that is very beneficial in writing a history. Even if there’s an update, we can always write another article and link it to the previous content with a necessary revision.Henceforth, this way of writing and publication will help in preserving history.

The most compelling evidence is the social media based on the blockchain such as steemit, civil, golos and akasha to name a few. All of these media are offering the freedom of speech and self-sustaining journalism without the approval from the state. To point out an example, let's look at an excerpt from steemit bluepaper,

Steem is a decentralized network that is operated by witnesses in jurisdictions around the world. All user actions are publicly recorded on the blockchain, and can be publicly verified. This means that there is no single entity that can censor content that is valued by STEEM holder.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of all other liberties and any infringement upon freedom of speech undermines the only peaceful means of reaching consensus: discussion. Without free discussion voters cannot be fully informed, and uninformed voters are a greater threat to society than losing the right to vote. Censorship is a means of stealing votes through limiting public discourse. Steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society.

I interpreted the quotation above as a way for an individual to write their voices in most authentically manner about their life, the surrounding and or even the authority.Every information written, said or recorded, is a consensus agreement by the community. It is peer-reviewed and discussed which enables to minimalize any political agenda.


Optimistically, I believe blockchain technology will continue evolving. Thus every information we are writing today will still be stored and can be read by the next generation. Do you want to leave a legacy? Then write something meaningful and informing for the next generation. Craft your flower picture into 500 words and tell them, why it matters a lot to you and what's in store for them.

We have given a place to speak the truth of our current situation. Let's optimize it for the benefit of ourselves, the future generations and change the way history written.

Bonne journée tout le monde 💓

Read my previous work : Steemit Takes Penny for Thoughts Literally

Banned made by @seveaux


Then there is the thing that you can post anything and in couple of hundreds of years when somebody reads that there was an elephant born with 10 legs on this date, they won't know if it is true or not :D

There are mostly positives, but too much misleading info might be a tiny teenzy problem

@lindahas well they will be amazed that there was an elephant born with ten legs. It will be another conspiracy theory in the future and a topic discussion. Just like in our time that some people say earth is flat. It'll keep on happening anyway.Here,I encourage people to the least that writing it down to the blockchain will help them record their life. I have proved it myself. If someone was digging down to my early post then they will know, I was dealing with a severe mental distress. I am glad, It's been better for a couple of months. I find ways to cope and finding ways that works.

Here, from an excerpt of my la la land story,

He wondered again,for whom he was writing the book. for the past that was long gone or the future that was unpredictable. The book would turned to ashes and he would stoned to death. Not in the South East state, He had to move before he published a book being a heathen. Thought police would have reached his cloud storage, read and wiped his data.Everything he would written would be in vain. How could you make appeal of future when there was no evidence?. Then he remembered a line from South East State law.

So that how it will serves to keep the information in an incorruptible record which can not be altered after a certain time.

Yeah, that is a perfect example of how blockchain could help a lot of people. Information that can not be reached to delete. There will be much more information, but I would like to think that people will use their heads to figure out what is true and what is imagined.

I really do think blockchain is the future. It has been shown time and time again that technology disrupts technology. The same will apply for today’s internet and the internet of the future, where blockchain will most likely be one of its principal building blocks.

Thank you for giving your thoughts on this. I appreciate it.

You're welcome!

I think blockchain and crypto are the future as well, but it may take time like it always does when the monetary system change. It happened only a few times in history: once they exchanged goods, then they exchanged goods for metals, paper money was introduced and the last one was plastic cards! I really do believe that the next one will be crypto, but we have to be patient :D

As for how blockchain will change the other aspects of our life, we will have to wait and see... but it will surely impact us to a change in society!

Thank you for a great post @macchiata :)

@paps It will take time to be fully implemented but I love the cyrptocurrency movement.Although,some analysis can say it's going to fail- even if it's,there will be another invention and the cycle goes on.

Take a look at the users from developing nations. Steemit does help them ^^ and so is to everyone all over the world.

at some points I disagree, it's important to write history down how it happened but to have all of social media into the blockchain and always be able to let others check a certain history, is bad when people are judging on ones beliefs or ones story's and posts that are made without this knowledge. A.e when you apply for a job but the ones that lead you trough the proces of selection are having an other political preference or don't like your hobby. Or when you get falsly claimed and publicly announced. For those with dark secrets, like some politicians or governmentally linked people won't post here, and same is for company owners etc.

@seveaux. Writing the history is essential. However, as in steemit case, It is still centralized in my opionion. The way of showing disagreement is still unhealthy.Although even your reputation lower, people will still able to see your post. As an example, Steemd provides the information of your updates.

The people who doesn't want transparency may not really like the idea of media blockchain. Everything is really transparent but let's say we are all having dark secrets at one point or another. But I agree with you at the point that transparency sometimes can get you into a real -life problem.

Thank you for speaking out your opinion. Cheers <3

This is pertinant information and worthy of contemplation. Resteemed!

Thanks for Your Info.

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