Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #18 : Quitting Life (a continuation)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Most thought she was crazy, giving everything up for one year.

Her mother was especially critical,"What are you thinking? All you've worked for, you're just going to throw it away? For what?"

"Freedom mom, it's all I've ever wanted. I just have this sense that something is missing in my life, and this is my chance to figure out what that is."

"You have no idea what you're doing and you will live to regret this decision, that much I know."

Thanks to her mother's stinging criticism, her resolve strengthened. She was going to show her and all the others exactly what she was capable of accomplishing in a year.

She let the final blue pill dissolve on her tongue. Tomorrow was the beginning of a whole new life.

Weeks later, she woke, and found herself broken, disoriented, disheartened, imagining the damp pile of leaves to be her bed. How could this have happened? He seemed so nice, so helpful, like her. She desperately wanted now to believe that she hadn't misjudged him, that he really wanted this life of freedom too. But then she found the stash of blue and white pills, the one's she'd happily left behind and there was no denying it; he had tricked her, used her, preyed on her enthusiasm, chewed it up and spit it out.

Sobbing, she realized that she was truly alone, left to find her way out of this desolation, this forest of identical trees. What once held adventure now seemed suffocating; each tree, each branch, each leaf held nothing but broken dreams, the dreams of the foolish. There was consistency and comfort in her old routines, knowing what to expect day to day, minute to minute. How at this moment she yearned to be a lifer, she would no longer be hapless, but instead would take pride in her work, knowing that the white pill on her tongue at night would dissolve and resolve any unfinished business from the day.

No food, no water, no means of communication. It had seemed like such a good idea to throw out her phone, her transporter, in fact, he had encouraged her to throw it with all her strength, together they laughed at the freedom she felt when it had left her hand. Technology that she once felt imprisoned by, now seemed like the jailer's key.

She wandered aimlessly, hoping for an opening in the thick foliage, an opening that would give her a glimpse of the city that she knew so well. She imagined her street, her apartment, her comfortable overly springy mattress. She had no idea how much time had passed, but her swollen tongue and aching joints revealed all she needed to know. Darkness and cold were settling upon her, and an unbelievable sense of fatigue. Her resolve weakened.

"I'm not quitting. I'll just lay down for a bit, a little rest, until I have the energy to move on."

This is my entry to @f3nix's Finish The Story Contest. This week the guest writer who began this tale is none other than @calluna! Thank you @calluna for such an amazing start; I hope I did it justice. And thank you @f3nix for hosting such an awesome contest.

Just so you know, anyone can jump in on the fun! Check out the beginning of this story and all the details here; the prize is @steembasicincome shares!

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Ooo I like this a lot! I really like this she is tricked, and struggles out there, I love that she probably dies at the end. The conversation with her mother humanises her, which gives more weight to the ending. I like the almost withdrawal aspect from the pills, missing the mind cleansing effects. There is an implication that she may even need the pills to survive, so without them, she is doomed, yet he has lived on, by stealing the supply of another naive quitter, I like this spin a lot!

Thank you so much @calluna!! I really appreciate your kind words. I taught high school English for years and have a propensity for all things dark 😂

I had a feeling that many might take the more positive spin on your beginning, so I decided to do the exact opposite. The irony is that in my real life, I totally quit, got rid of everything, and my husband and I moved from Canada to Mexico and are loving it 😅

Well, that was fun while it lasted. :)

Knowing a little bit about your background and what you did (selling everything, moving to Mexico) gives your ending a particularly interesting twist. It's too bad that the word limit doesn't allow for much elaboration, because there's a lot to elaborate on!

Be careful what you wish for, freedom isn't all that it's cracked up to be, and you have to make even better decisions when you're on your own than you do when you're within the "safety net" all seem to be themes woven into your part of the story.

Anyway, good job and good luck. :)

Thank you @glenalbrethsen! I wondered if someone would pick up on that haha, but know this is no reflection on my situation :) Your kudos means a lot to me!

I like the way that you reverse expectations from the beginning to what happens in the end:

"Freedom mom, it's all I've ever wanted. I just have this sense that something is missing in my life, and this is my chance to figure out what that is."

I guess a lot of people feel this way but in a society where people have been sedated and medicated it's probable that you're entirely right, they just wouldn't know how to survive with their freedom:

There was consistency and comfort in her old routines, knowing what to expect day to day, minute to minute. How at this moment she yearned to be a lifer, she would no longer be hapless, but instead would take pride in her work, knowing that the white pill on her tongue at night would dissolve and resolve any unfinished business from the day.

Very interesting take on the story @lynncoyle1, I enjoyed it big time :-)

Thank you @raj808! That's so nice of you to say, and I see that you have a submission in as well. I'm going to have a look at it too :)

I am so happy that you did this Lynn!

Thank you for supporting the contest and further extending its reach!

Now for the story that you wrote knowing how you packed up and left for Mexico I was thinking of something similar but what you wrote surprised me in a good way.

I could feel her betrayal and the her surroundings. The anguish that she felt.

Great story Lynn and I agree that the 500 word limit is difficult as I know you wanted to say more.

This comment was made from

Thank you Mav! I appreciate that :) My first thought was to write something similar to my own experience, but I decided to go with the "unexpected" instead :)

I didn't expect this! It's interesting and could open a debate on how expectations can twist reality. I don't know, now I don't want to see her previous life in a negative perspective at any cost (since everyone considered it as a dystopian reality and my contrarian spirit makes me feel to ennoble it somehow). Recently I tried to change my life living abroad just to find a worse environment than the one I left with my family.. you can imagine how I feel with your story ;-)

I decided to go with something unexpected on purpose. The real irony is that my husband and I picked up and left Canada to go to Mexico about a year ago and we absolutely love it :) I'm sorry that your experience didn't work out so well! My husband actually has cancer (terminal) so we decided to leave the rat race and just "live".

You're right about "expectations" though. Somewhere in my life, I decided to give up having any expectations from people or things, so most of the time I'm only pleasantly surprised, but not disappointed. It's a nice way to live :)

What sucks in those situations is that emotional wounds last a Hell of a lot longer than the physical ones...

Excellent fiction.

Namaste, JaiChai

Isn't that the truth!

Thanks @jaichai, I appreciate that :)

Your story ending shows two of the truest laws in life: everything is difficult to achieve; and you know the true value of something only when you lose it.
Hopeless, but well written.

Thank you so much @marcoriccardi; that's what I was going for :)

This was really well written and really struck a nerve with me as it kind of mirrors a personal fear. I'm trying to live slightly removed from the "norm" I grew up comfortable with and I constantly wonder how adaptable I really am and if I can pull it off. Your writing definitely shows off a great understanding of people's inner workings.

Thank you @blueteddy! I've always figured, "what's the worse that can happen?", and in your case, what's the answer? You might be a bit uncomfortable? Pleasantly surprised with your stamina? Disappointed? Whatever the answer, they're all easily "fixed" I think. Your fears, like most of our fears, are more the fears of the unknown. Just my two cents worth :)

Thanks for commenting!

Stories are rare here..this is short crisp and to an extent confusing to where it will end within the space i scrolled to see the end...

Good one

That was my point exactly, so I guess I succeeded :) Thank you for reading @angelro; it was for a contest I've never seen before this week.

so your expectation was fulfilled. Not everyone is lucky like that.... haha...

Good, Thanks for the reply Maam.

Very well written with a nice dark ending. I like it:)

Thank you! I decided to go with the unexpected, and, I too appreciate a dark ending :)

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