The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Fifty Seven

in #writing6 years ago

Cont. from Part Fifty Six or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

It was a long walk to the enemy keep, the sun was setting and it was growing cold and getting dark.   

After at least 8 hours hiking with no rest, they cut through some brush towards a natural clearing, they could hear the  gentle trickle from a nearby stream..this would be a good place to rest this night. 

Valar collected some firewood and Nathan prepared a meal, in the morning they would have finally caught up with their troops and the siege would already have begun.   

They spoke little, ate their simple meal and prepared for sleep. 

Nathan waited for Valar to drift off. He had been working on a new spell with Sharee, something he could cast before entering the Augra, it would alert him if danger approached and bring him back to this reality. 

He sat in his meditation position concentrated and cast the spell, easily connecting with the nature around him he sensed it was active,  it would alert him should anyone approach.   

He opened his eyes and he was in the Augra once more.    

Sharee was there casting a strange spell, she seemed startled but smiled warmly at the sight of her master.

Image by @artlover designed for this story and exclusive to steemit

“You have grown powerful my lord...I did not sense your approach”.   

He was taken back by her beauty once more, it was clear to him he was in trouble, he had fallen deeply in love Sharee. He tried to shake it off, even if this was true it was not something he could ever reveal, they were from different worlds it could never work!

He blushed and felt awkward, he had been staring at her far to long he needed a distraction and quick. 

“Sharee, you once mentioned more powerful spells, for more advanced mages”   

“I did, there are a handful of powerful nature magic spells which are more taxing then the others, only the most advanced mage could master them”.   

“Tomorrow we go into battle Sharee we are outnumbered largely and the others will be counting on me to even the field. Can you teach me such magic?”.   

“No master not by tomorrow, my last master was only able to learn one advanced spell and he had decades to learn it”.   

“Hmnn…well is there anything else you can tell me about the fire mage I face tomorrow, in the past you have sensed them approaching”.   

Sharee closed her eyes and it was silent in the Augra. It was night again and the stars and planets lit up the sky. Nathan sat and awaited a reply.   

“The fire Mage you face tomorrow is more powerful then those you have previously fought master, for a young nature mage like yourself it will be dangerous, you would best avoid them”.   


“Let Valar use his new skills to approach them and use a sword where magic is not the best way”.    


Great story and brilliant work @lordnigel.


Thanks, got to keep my reader happy hehe.

Customer service at its best! 😉

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