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RE: Is Addiction a Disease? (Debate Essay)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I think people will show more and more addictive behavior in the next generations because of how easy it is to find entertainment nowadays. We don't require human interaction to be entertained anymore. While introversion has always been a thing for some people, it was never part of our culture, now it's becoming more and more popular. My point here is, it's too easy to find stimuli, and that could affect our reward system (dopamine), making us require more and more stimuli to keep ourselves pleased.


We definitely have an information overload with entertainment. I have like 1200+ games on steam (mostly from and I have maybe played 50 of them for more than an hour. It's almost stressful to open my steam to play a game on occasion.

It is a lot easier to be an introvert than social. You have to put effort to socialize. I know some people have anxiety with communicating with people, but for the most part it is people being lazy. No one wants to go out anymore because of ease of entertainment. I think a lot of people say they are introverts, but they are really just lazy.

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