RE: I Explore My Journey With You!- Writing Challenge - Day #3
Just read posts 1, 2 and now 3. Wow, you and Amber have been through A LOT. Autoimmune diseases can really take a toll on one's life. My aunt has myositis and my brother-in-law has rheumatoid arthritis. I have seen them both grapple with these diseases that leave them debilitated. On top of it, they are both young. I don't know what Amber has tried, but my aunt has done well on homeopathic solutions. That's the only thing that has worked for her as the steroids made her sick.
I am also sorry to hear that Amber is grappling with the possibility of not becoming a mother. I had an ache in my chest when I read that, too :(
I hope that healing is in her future and that her doctors are able to get a handle on what's going on. Thanks for sharing your story -- it takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable enough to do that.
Thank you for following along our journey! And I appreciate your kind words! The possibility of not having a child took a toll on our relationship. As the story continues you will find out that persistence and not giving up made a difference. I hope you can find any kind of inspiration from my story! :) Stay tuned!