Ray Dalio - 5-Step Process to most effectively reach your goals | Part 1 - Set your goals

in #writing7 years ago

If you don't know who Ray Dalio is and why he is qualified to talk about about techniques, or principals on how to act and behave here is a short introduction. Ray is a US entrepreneur ans selfmade multibilionaire. He's company Bridgewater is a very successful hedgefund and stood the test of time.

In his best seller book Principles he lays out the mental models he used to get where he is. I this series I'm gonna summarize what I think are the most valuable tools and insights to get you to be the best version of yourself you could possibly be.

5 Step Process to reach your goals

There are basically 5-steps to reach every goal in life. Now look at the different these step in more depth.

  1. set your goal [Have clear goals]

You can theoretically have everything you can think of that's why you have to prioritise. Many people are afraid of rejecting a desirable goal for an other. At the end their inability to prioritize will paralise them and they reach neigher of them. You can have anything but ceartinliy not everything. That means you have to rejecting good alternatives for even better ones. so that you have the time and resources to pursue the tings you really want in life.

Don't confuse goals with desires. For example a goal could be physical fitness, and a disre would be eating that well tasting but unhealthy food. If your goal is to be more sporty and healty don't eat that bag of chips.

Don't confuse goals with desires. For example a goal could be physical fitness, and a disre would be eating that well tasting but unhealthy food. If your goal is to be more sporty and healty don't eat that bag of chips. (Desires are often a fueled by only thingking about first order conequences. ) -> You wann eat that tasty chips you feel good for a moment. Secend order consequences mybe you're tired of your fatty meal what prevents you form going for a run what further prevents you form reaching your goal of getting more into sports. You get where I'm going here...

Don't go after status symbol just for the sake of it. It wont satisfy you in the end. It's nice to have them as a by product. People just persuing a $1200 shoes usually don't know what they really want.

never rule out a goal because you think it's unattainablethere is always a best possible path. what you think is obtainable is always a function of what you know at the moment. If you have the courage and pursue you will learn a lot. Paths you nerver tought will emerge.

remember that great expectations create great capabilities.

If you accept that you are responsible for your own shortcomings and are flexible at the same time your much more likely to reach your goals. Because you will see failiure as indikativ that you weren't flexible or determint enoght to do what it takes. and you will be much more motivated to find the way that works and there ist almost always a way.

Know how to deal with your settbacks. get over it. minimize your loss and always make the best out of the situation. -> Kowing that you will be rewarded when you do.

Part 2 of the series will be about -> Identify and don't tolerate problems minimize your loss and always make the best out of the situation. Don't miss it

Thank you for reading. I hope It helps you succeding in life. Don't forget to leave a comment and like this blog if you enjoyed it.

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