Episode 1.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Episode 1
"Here we go again" he said.
"Is it done?"
"Oh no, we first have to get through there." he said pointing his torch to the huge chasm between them. Zoki turned up, looked down, turned left, crouched low and stood up again. In his tar coloured hiking gear, he shone his torch on the map and looked at the hole gaping before them.
"Well we have to get across at all costs" Zoki said.
He began examining the walls and strange intricate carvings that graced their location. "Look here" he called to his companion.
"What's that strange symbol that looks out of place?" Zoki asked.
"To be sure, let's push it and see" His companion supplied.
Immediately he pushed it, a deep rumbling noise was heard in the depths of the gap. Slowly, a thick, circular granite platform rose to fill in the gap.
"Well done! let's cross over" Zoki said.
Together, they began walking briskly on the platform. Lofty stone structures held the roof in place. Granite and marble sculptures lined the walls before and behind them. Occasionally, a roar was heard beneath the floor they were standing on and spiders, three times the size of a modern tarantula were seen hanging high above them. Progress was quite good till they reached the middle of the platform. Instantly, they were surrounded by them. Armless and weary, the two looked on as they fell on them and...


"Hey you!" Peter angrily yelled.
"Umm, me?" Sam asked.
"Yes you! What are you doing with my diary?"
"Just taking a peek"
"You have 5 seconds to teleport from there and mind your own business"
"Okay, okay, chill. No need to go ballistic about this".
The geography tutor just came in time to prevent the two young men from launching H-bombs around.
"Good morning" she greeted.
A chorus reply came up and the lesson began.
"So where did we stop last time? Jawal, give us a recap." She said.
Jawal also known as tebily by his colleagues stood up and began mumbling some word out. Mrs. Jane agreed, disagreed and finally asked him to sit.
"Marvin give me the accurate answer" She said.
Marvin stood up, scratched his head and began counting the cobwebs in the air-conditioned class. Obviously, he had nothing to say.
"Who will grant him bail?" Mrs. Jane asked.
The class was pin drop silent. As usual, any tutor will be disappointed. A frustrated tutor took the marker and scribbled "Ancient Civilizations" on the white board. The lecture began and the students were listening with rapt attention. An occasional cough here and a sneeze there was what broke the eerie silence. According to the her lecture, long before people began is settling in the present day West Africa, an ancient and powerful race of people had thrived in the now Northern Ghana. They were so powerful that they were feared throughout their province. Their king Topeil Ontoeppshi was a powerful ruler and had a knack for creating huge architectural works. As to how they constructed these colossal structures, it was given as an assignment. Prominent among the creations was the Zontelisk.
What is this Zontelisk? What was its significance? Who were those two explores who disappeared? Where were they and what were they seeking?

Find out in the episode 2 of THE MYTH tomorrow. Have a great time people and don't forget to hit the appropriate buttons. I'm open for all forms of corrections. Thanks for reading. See you all real soon.
¡Hasta mañana!

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