Why I Loathe Living In Canada...

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Canada, the hat of 'Murica, land of maple syrup, polar bears and unfortunately for myself:


After the snow hit yesterday and with it the subseqeint depression that comes with having your damn appendages try to turn into icicles upon leaving any heated dwelling I found myself muttering the following words both in my head and out loud in grimace:

"Why the fuck do I live in a place where the air tries to kill me half of the fucking year..?"

The worst part about this all is that it's not even "cold" yet in comparison to what is coming.. That knowing that the winter shit-storm has only just begun to show it's ugly face and that for literally the next half of the year or so I'm going to be fighting to stay warm against this bullshit winter climate nearly has me ready to immolate myself. Needless to say (but I'll say it anyways) I absolutely FUCKING HATE WINTER. Even the activities popular in this season like skiing, snowboarding, ski-doo'ing and ice skating have lost their once shiny appeal leaving me for lack of a better term grasping for activities that will keep me warm, unfrozen and stave off the insanity that comes with being cooped up inside for months on end trying to stay unfrozen.

Like fuck, sure Canada is a relatively safe country with beautiful terrain in spots, vast untouched resources and a somewhat lenient governing body (albeit full of fucking morons) but this winter shit seriously puts a damn damper on my will to live.. FML.

( A screencap from theweathernetwork.com showing the "local" weather )

For you folks that still use Fahrenheit that +1 degree Celsius is basically +33 degrees Fahrenheit (or +274.15 Kelvin) which is JUST above the freezing point of water in most cases.. Considering the human body is about 80% water this spells disaster for my own personal comfort and the beginning of hypothermia for those caught out in the elements. Judging by how fuckin' cold my toes currently are and how hard the little space heater in the un-insulated camper I'm currently shacked up in is working it's safe to say that I'm probably not going to freeze to death just yet, but certainly won't be overly comfortable until I can get my ass in gear and find suitable winter dwelling.

Thoughts certainly go out to those doing the true hobo mode outside thing right now, while I'm not as bad off as some it's still kind of a pain in the ass to try and type with my damn fingers, toes and joints aching from arthritis and being cold..

...Next Year...
I'm NOT Going to do This Winter Shit...

Any country near the equator would be a fucking dream compared to this incoming canadian winter and with that being said I'm hoping to use my disdain for freezing my balls off here to fuel future success so I can go some place with a nicer climate next winter. Admittedly I fucked up this last year and didn't put enough money aside to get the fuck out of this frozen ass country for the winter after having sort of a shitty run months prior... But rather than wallow in defeat or an hero'ing I'm convinced that I can and will do better, get back to what works and hopefully regain the former glory I once held on our STEEM network.

Fuck You Winter, You Frigid Fuckin' Bitch!

( Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go thaw my fingers, toes and balls by the heater )


Canada is a great country had it not been for that fridgid weather and LOL it is beside the polar region @klye
We live near the equator and the sunshine makes everything happy here.

You sir are luckier than I am to live in such a warm place. <3

Some some of that shit down here in Alabama, we sure could use it. It'll help kill all these fucking insects.

Will send the snow down that way... ** Starts Snow Dance **

Shit man, Manitoba can get cold! There's other parts of this country a little further south that would love to have ya.. I mean its gonna be 20 degrees tomorrow..torontoweather.png

Send some weather like that this way!

Great whine! I go through the same feelings every year when the weather first turns. It makes working outside suck for a short time until I accept that this is just the way it is, then it doesn't feel so bad. But this post so accurately describes the transition I have to go through every year.

I forgot the cheese with my rant I guess... lmao.

Yep, seasonal depression kicks in, toes get cold.. The rest is just cursing myself for not being born in a warmer locale or having the forward planning to move away from here..

Just yesterday we were still having 90 degree days down here in the dick of America. Yes I went swimming today.

Say fuck winter and move to a place where people freak if they ever see snow as it’s the first time in their life they have seen any. They dress like its 50 below outside when it’s like 60 lol. Just make sure to bring a few trucks of maple syrup.

hahahahaha. The dick of america.. that gave me a laugh..

Damn, Maybe I should seriously consider moving to americas dick once me funds get going again.

Greetings from Venezuela

cheers from Canada

More like "'chills' from Canada". I'm dreading the cold weather as well... We usually don't get the insanely cold weather out east here in NB but it can still get pretty darn cold!

Venezuela, a whole different set of challenges. I think I prefer the cold.

Come to South East Asia... You literally do not need a shirt all year round 😁😁😁😁

Sounds like a better blast than this bullshit weather here!

Don't they have clothes in Canada ?

Currently wearing 2 pairs of pants, 3 sweaters and fucking slippers..

Had to import them though.. Canada seemingly doesn't make clothing.. ;)

Oh.. And a fuckin' toque.

I get it.

I hope you don't get winters like we does up here..

I’m just to your left in Saskatchewan!

Ah, Right on man! Glad to meet a fellow Canadian Steemster

My fellow Canuck, you must embrace the suck.
Constant wet feet, numb fingers snot-sickles and having to dawn three layers of cloths. Heading out 20 minutes before you have to leave because you have to - dress in three layers of clothes, warm the car, scrape the car and shovel the driveway.
All I can say is LOVE the SUCK. :-)
If it's that cold where you are...mmm.... Shit, that means it's coming my way! Looks like it's going to be time to eat my own dog food.... this is gonna suck.

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