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RE: Basic Income? (revised intro - excuse my lack of understanding at the time of writing this)

in #writing8 years ago

How does voting for one post devalue another post?

Well, The very algorythm the payout system runs on dictates that for every new vote after a certain amount it literally takes money from other posts to pay it out.. SO there is that answered.

Only lower reputation Steemers deserve to have their posts voted on?

No, I'm simply stating that the person responsible for the trend of the tag could have just as easily shared his idea with 0 payout if idea sharing was his only intention.. Not to say they don't deserve to get paid for posts but it's ultimately taking food off of others plates whose accounts aren't likely worth 1/100,000th of the author of these posts. I'm all for information and idea sharing but at what point do we put our foot down as a community and stop padding these guys pockets? The math on what they've cashed out is more than most people make in a decade if my numbers are even remotely close to accurate.

How is that wrong? isn't this what makes Steemit valuable - sharing ideas, discussing things, even impossible dreams?

No, This is the point of STEEM in my opinion. However when you've got high reputation accounts taking full advantage of their blind sheep following by posting what I can only describe as "pipedreams" not only do you have this stuff trending without barely anyone actually reading it but you're also sending the message that you can literally post any damn thing with little to no real world application or value and get handsome rewards assuming you're the "right guy"

Stop dreaming Utopian dreams - you mean like dreaming of a social platform that rewards me for my efforts in writing original content and commenting and supporting others that also write and share original content?

I'm not saying I want to eat your dreams and kill your fantasy future. I'm just saying the way this has been gone about isn't actually adding any value (in my opinion) to the network and serves only to make us look like a bunch of mindless swine following and upvoting whatever our puppet master posts.

As stated a few times over. Anyone else would have made these posts they'd been lucky to make $1.. It seems wrong to rip value away from others work all while blindly supporting posts that frankly aren't applicable to any reality involving people and societies as they are and will continue to be.


Well, The very algorythm the payout system runs on dictates that for every
new vote after a certain amount it literally takes money from other posts to
pay it out.. SO there is that answered.

But that's true for all posts, not just fluffy ones. So if I post something that gets a lot of votes, I'm taking money away from your posts. And if this post gets lots of votes, you're taking money away from me!

As I said in my Disclaimer, I didn't vote for the posts because as you say it was all just a bit fluffy and not much to do with reality. and having read the first one, i haven't read the rest.

It's the same with many of the Steemit sucks or Steemit is broken or Why aren't i rich yet? posts. You read a couple and then it becomes boring, so you stop reading them and move on.

Other people coming to the platform will read them, and they'll hopefully read yours and my posts, to get a good broad view of what it's like here and then decide to stay or go.

As for controlling what's on the trending page and what's hot etc - how the hell does that even work? I've looked at the numbers on the posts and they don't seem to reflect anything. So I don't think it is just the upvote count that puts something on the trending wall.

Maybe someone in the know can tell us how that all works?
Personally I don't have a problem with rants being upvoted, pipe dreams being upvoted, calls for revolution being upvoted, or picture of friggen lolcats being upvoted. (ok, maybe I do have problem with lolcats) because tomorrow it will be different.

There will always be sheeple who blindly follow and like or vote for the stars (cringe) - you know the ones - caught up in the cult of popularity.
But it's a big wide world with lots of people in it who are actually interested in real content, real engagement (like this discussion).

Given your frustration, I'd guess these people are not your target audience. So while your frustrations might be valid, don't blame the shepherd for the actions of the sheep. G out and buy a sheepdog ;-) (a little kiwi humour)

I'm merely expressing my current thoughts on the network for all to see.

What I'd honestly love to see is some sort of donations from these high rankers on behalf of STEEM to maybe get us some media coverage or something... Would certainly beat the current status kuo of "Master posted blindly upvote"..

Perhaps I'm in my own utopian dream world where our higher ups aren't just frigging cash-cowwing off of the reward pool intended for users.. But hey! What do I know.. :D

Also this sheepdog? Is that something one shags or..? (Some crude canadian humour)

What!!!???? Shag the dog??!!
What would the sheep think?

Whoops! was that out loud? hehe

I understand your frustrations. But I think at this stage of the game we just need to be a little relaxed about this stuff, and not too focused on who is earning what money.

And I'm not saying you shouldn't be posting posts like this. indeed you should, so it is not all just fluff

And then - as you have done, defend your argument with logic and reason. This is a good thing.

What we should never do is think our betters know more about this than us, so we should just trust them to build our utopia for us and not make suggestions for improvements.

I think the point that my ramble is moving towards, is that this is new, it's different. No-one really knows how it will end. for @ned and @dan etc this is probably a wild caffeine induced ride into the unknown.

They had a vision of something. What we end up with won't be their original vision. It won't be your vision and it certainly won't be my vision.
But it will be something different.

So....... you have seen a problem, you've ranted about it - fair enough. You have some suggestions, some solutions, a cunning plan even.

How do we go about exploring the options, finding the faults, building and then implementing a solution that works for everyone?

p.s. hello to Canada. I miss you :-)

My cunning plan would be accountability and some monthly budget statements from out higher ups.. Sadly to to fear of the tax man from steemit inc we're unlikely to ever see such a thing so we can only assume all the STEEM / SBD dumped is being used to buy hookers and blow to pack the lambo with.. :D

Rofl. Sheep would think that it's Baaaaaaad. (that was horrible)

Thanks for your replies, logic test and humour good sir. I appreciate you.

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