Formatting Tips

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

While it may be obvious to some, there are reasons for formatting your posts. They're for enhancing comprehension, and establishing priorities - all by providing contrasts between sections of your content.

If you're not making art with text, try using appropriate headers, lists, and other text-formatting in the most common ways possible. If you've been playing around with Steemit's Markdown / Editor, try using H1, H2, H3, and unflavoured texts appropriately. H1 is for the main header, H2 is for the sub-header, and so forth.

There are just too many written posts using the Header-formatting for large blocks of text, as if to emphasise every piece of content. When everything is the same, it simply becomes boring. Formatting loses its purpose. It may work for some kinds of content, but like all kinds of art, a degree of contrasting is necessary.

Use formatting sparingly and try to break-up your paragraphs consistently! Just follow the formatting in textbooks and ancient scriptures. It has been tried and tested through the ages, even before the printing press revolution.

Some tips for image formatting: instead of the default left-aligned image, I prefer to make it center of the page, or have it wrapped around texts just like the image used in this post. To do this, just use the following code:-

<div class="pull-right">

Here's a list my most frequently used formatting (I prefer to do it in Markdown):-

# Main-header
## Sub-header
### Sub-sub-header

# <center>A header in the center!</center>

***italics & bold***

<sub>Small text</sub>

- List 1
- List 2
- List 3

Here's a preference on how to quote or signal an excerpt from another source:
>*"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet."*
><sub>by William Gibson</sub>

--- //this creates a horizontal line break
<center>Do you have any other tips?</center>




A header in the center!

italics & bold

Small text

  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3

Here's a preference on how to quote or signal an excerpt from another source:

"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet."
by William Gibson

Do you have any other tips?


I've been suggested to centralised images. Of course, i think pull left/right make sense it some case but otherwise, I'm still not too sure if centralised image is the best though that's what I have been doing.

I just feel like the default image linking (which would be left-aligned) with empty space on the right seems rather odd.. but that's just a preference. Plus I find that posts with plenty of large images kinda annoying lol. I think the best composition for image : text taking up screenspace is around 10%: 90%, not 50% : 50%/..

Uh oh.... could be me. :-) That's why I try to break into parts if there's a long post.

Its alright if its a photography post :)

I'm not too sure. I find some photography post too load to load including mine so I try to not have it too long.

Another form of list:

topic1 |  topic2
item1 | item2

Finally, someone explains it with examples, as a relatively noob poster this stuff is great and I appreciate you taking the time to share the knowledge, especially with the positioning of pix, never thought about centre slinging, food for thought! Thanks.

Thank you!

Np! Funny that Dan just recommended a new medium-styled editor - Test it at -

This is great, I always wanted to see this code all in one place like this. I've been using 'Editor' but I knew there were only a few things I needed to learn, which you provided all of and more.

No problem! I personally find the 'Editor' too limited to do some thing, or I simply just don't understand that mode..

It is limiting indeed, I tried to 'center' some images in that mode ONCE, and it was a mess, Editor doesn't do well with this code it seems.

Nice!!! I knew most of the basic markdown stuff, but you have some other very useful HTML formatting constructs!

I've been wondering about what subset of HTML is permitted in the Steemit Create a Story editor?

I found this link which might be helpful: GitHub Markup: sanitization filter

almost everything with markdiwn equivalents can be used. The tables are too limited for my purpose, layout, but I don't often post lists of data anyway. You just can't disable the special header field. Not many people use steemit unique pull-right pull-left css classes but they work nice. Also, nearly no markdown editor renders pictures without markup, an img tag or ! [] ()

Really no idea - I'm just testing out HTMLs til I figured out which is usable. Thanks for the link!

FYI: I also see from @dantheman's recent post entitled Are Blockchains Really Censorship Resistant? that he recommends we try out the new medium-style editor at are report back about our findings.

Thank you this is helpful. I would assume to float the image left or center you would simply adjust the wording for this div class.

I have been wondering how to do this could not seem to find examples from google so all in one place this will help.

Yup just replace the wording :) I first saw it in dan's post and wondered how it was done! Don't think the new test editor allows us to do this with just one click

Thank you. I know I'm not the only one that had these questions. It is very helpful to find it all in one place.

At the very least, please use proper sentence structure and divide your wall of text into coherent paragraphs! Don't rely on vote-bots approving what you write, because some of us use human eyes to read things before upvoting!

Yes, I think fiction-writing type of paragraphing / spacing isn't that optimal for reading too, and I think should be broken-up more than usual. IMO

Great to see these once again. I'll try to incorporate some of it in my next post.

Thanks! ;) Namaste

Namaste @eric-boucher! Inject some formatting :D

I really appreciate this. Been wondering how to do some different formatting things with my posts. Upvoted!

Have fun with it! Sometimes I take 20% of my post creation time just to adjust the formatting!

Thank you so much! I wanna find the way how to make the article nicer and here it is.

Have fun trying out! To add: I personally think accounts like @iyuta @sweetsssj nailed down the best formats :)

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