Do we like ourselves?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I heard a man say once that the story of our times is one of rampant self-hatred.


I think it's often true. In the affluent West in particular, we tend to be self-critical to the point of severe damage to our corporate psyche.

Is there really a worse tragedy?

We are all created with such a specific set of capacities and so many gifts for each other. But we cannot expect to love the world if we can't stomach ourselves.

By hating ourselves, we rob the world of our capacity for connection and self-gift.

Certainly strive to be the best person you can possibly be, but choose fundamentally to accept yourself today.

We need you.



awwwww! we need you Kay!!! :P so nice. hey also Kay, I actually come over here to your profile to share @melkay's recent post about her Women of Steemit tag series , I just wanted to go tell all my favorite women on Steemit about it. (You're the first Kay =) ! )

I've started telling myself I love you outloud sometime this last year. I like it, I'm going to keep doing it forever!

Acceptance - true. We should accept many many mistakes that we still have to make in our lifetime.
Let us say unconditional love is the goal (it is, at least for me). One thinks: Oh I first have to learn how to love myself and then I will be able to love others. Maybe that is partly true. I have a different truth. I think we first have to learn to love and care for others (get out of that me, me, me concept) and then love for ourselves will be implied.

I REALLY love this addition to my little thoughts. I think both are important, but it's very true that we emphasize "self-love" over loving others, and this probably really damages us! We are made to give ourselves and love others, and often do find the capacity to love ourselves when we see our capacity to love others and be loved by them.

Really glad you mentioned this :)

Now I'm even more glad that I did. I think it is just the Western society that puts individuality in the first place. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing bad about being independent, it is just that I see no purpose living for just yourself, in the sense that you don't make other people lives better as well. It would be really selfish, empty.
It still amazes me the depth of conversations here on steemit. Don't you just love this community?

Start your week with a Steemit positive message Kay!

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation" - Robert H. Schuller





Kay - I am not sure if most of us hate ourselves. I guess at some level or other everyone is critical of some of the aspects of their personality or life. I agree with you that self criticism robs us of ability to connect with others. It breeds negativity. Thanks for raising awareness on this aspect, Upvoted.

I would be honored if you check my latest blogs when you have time. Your comments will be very valuable to enrich my experience. Thanks.

Thanks for taking time to read my work. Just some simple musing! I think it's a struggle for a lot of people, if you dig deep enough. We find it hard to really accept ourselves.

I will check it out, since you asked so nicely :). I am first and foremost a singer-songwriter and poet, in case you're interested in taking a look at those other bits!

Take care.

Xx, Kay

Kay, I am already following you and do look at your blogs. Will go check out your latest work. Thanks

I have some upvotes left to hand out tonight.. so there you go! And I followed you as well. Take care. xx

Thank you Kay. Appreciate your upvotes and following. I feel proud!
Take rest and see you soon again

:). All the best!

If we hate ourselves we don't leave any for others to love.

Beautifully written!

It's so important. Thank you!

Like it, great post kay!

Thank you :)

Your welcome!

Mostly people who does not love them self need to get their sanity back.

Hmm. I know lots of wonderful, beautiful sane people who for one reason or another find it hard to see their value. These are complicated things!

I see parallels in sex ... if you cannot satisfy yourself, how can someone else ;)

Um.. I see it differently. I think sex is supposed to be about self-gift, not just about yourself.

Oh no, it is by far not about yourself. But how can you let another one know what you really like when you don't know yourself? ;)
being a giver means knowing what to give and when!

Very honestly, I'm sad that we're past the days when you would discover that together, over time, in love and simplicity. It seems much more beautiful to me than "practicing by yourself" in advance. There's a sadness to it, and maybe a deep lack of trust that someone will love you enough to want to learn with you in a committed relationship, don't you think?

I really don't! In order to master a skill, whether be it yoga, instruments or what not - in order to play together you gotta be good yourself. And that means, learn (alone, together, with a coach) - it is all part of it.

The level of trust has nothing to do with it - in a commited relationship this should not be a problem - otherwise both partners have to question how commited they really are ;)

I think a lot of people out there need to learn to have some self compassion for themselves. Its easy to beat yourself up everyday for making mistakes but from my experience it seems so hard to give yourself credit when you actually do things well. Self compassion is something I have been working on lately and I actually feel a lot more free now.

It is really important. Of course no one reasonably thinks that that means not trying to be our best selves, but to be kind to ourselves and recognize our humanity is actually just humble and good! And being more compassionate with ourselves somehow does seem to make us more able to be compassionate and understanding to others in their weakness and mistakes as well.

Sometimes i like myself very much especially in the moments when i create something good, when i'm helping someone to feel better. I have no hate to myself but there are moments when i feel myself empty, completely empty. I love to dig deeply in myself and to transform something that i don't like but not through hatred but through consciousness and by imaging who i want to be.

Emptiness. One of the very worst feelings.

It's good that you know how to dig and find purpose and meaning in it!

Yes, i guess you know how is it to be empty for an artist. But luckily everything is temporary and emptiness then turns into fullness) It's like chaos and order. They change each other. I say sometimes that i'm the breathing of order and chaos.

"Between geniality and mediocrity
Between death and life
Like between parallel lines
I'm a floating rhyme."

Interesting thoughts, and a cool few lines you've got there. Can you explain it a bit more--what you mean?

Original lines a bit differs but untranslatable in terms of rhyme from russian to english. I've changed it a bit to make it sound better. Somehow a "rhyme" came to me as a methapor to a "wave". It was absolutely intuitive process)))

I mean that sometimes i can do something genius, but sometimes i can do nothing interesting.

Gotcha. Cool :) Hilarious graph!

Surely i can change the form of that wave but i can't lay golden eggs all the time)))

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