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RE: Are You Worthless?

in #writing7 years ago

@doitvoluntarily Great post ! NO, I do really mean that. This post at this time happens to be one of life's ironies. Hello, my name is JT Streetman, I am 56 and since about the age of 10 I have been sleeping an average of 4 hours a night. So if you do the math I have been awake a lot longer than most 56 year olds. That extra 4 hours a day has always been spent reading and thinking. My point in saying this, is to let you know I am not a stupid person, lol well, imho anyway !
Today was a very strange day for me. I finally was able to get back on the net and steemit 2 days ago and have been trying to focus on steemit all day, but the thought entered my mind that I seem to be pretty much worthless. That thought is a 180 degree change of paradigm from my normal valuation of myself. Hence the reason I say this post at this time is so ironic, (Thank You btw) You see, I used to have a life, a wife and 4 kids and all that goes with that, then suddenly all that and everything I have worked for all my life just .. disappeared. In a very short time I was homeless and trying in ernest to get back on my feet. Then I found out what it's like to be either over qualified, to old or due to working under the table for the last 15 yrs, having no relevant work history. Being unemployed for a period of time starts to get to you. Regardless of my feelings of my self worth, and keeping my best foot forward etc. at times I do get depressed but always change that thinking as soon as it comes to mind.

Today was different in the fact that I couldn't, wouldn't let it go. After several depressing hours I finally just concluded that I would just blame this on what people call a "Mid life crises" and let it go at that and try to focus on steemit. Less than an hour later I somehow, stumbled on this post !

I actually read the entire post twice just to let your words sink in. I think it's working, Thank You. I just keep repeating what Robin told Matt in "Good Will Hunting", "It's NOT your fault, It's NOT your fault".

I guess I'm trying to say thank you for putting your thoughts down here on steemit. It certainly reminded me of who I really am, regardless of my present situation.

You know, that's one of the things I really love about steemit, no matter what you need to lay down, there always seems to be a place on steemit to "Lay it down". In you helping me, in turn, I hope by writing this that I can help others who might read this.

Yes friends, You know who you are, your value. Don't EVER let anyone determine your sense of self value, nor bank account, position in life atm, education etc., etc.

I am so glad to be following you, especially now. Thanks again my unknown friend. What a GOOD shot in the dark !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS


Now you need to post some more mind dumps of your own on your blog and reply to one of my comments or posts to let me know when you do. Life is an adventure. It has it's ups, and downs. The downs can really suck, but hang in there what is on the other side of those is often quite amazing.

Thanks man, appreciate it ! I will let you know. Really glad your there man... I mean that ! TTYS /bow

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