My Bliss Experience

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Hi folks, today I wanted to share a very personal experience I had about 2 years ago. It was one of maybe 3 times I have had this experience and for the last 2 years I have not had it, nor do i expect to. I didn't expect it to ever happen before and i guess that's just how it goes.

So i wrote this a day or two after my experience, as it was just too powerful for little old me, and the after effects lingered for some time. I was with my ex-wife at the time and even though i credit her for helping me experience this, she always said to me that it was really all me. Who know's. I still don't understand it fully. Now, i realize that all these words are not even necessary really, especially when it comes to these areas of life, i doubt i'll write anything to do with this again, but it was an experience i won't be forgetting in hurry.

Disclaimer: This is just a personal experience, i'm not trying to convert anyone to anything nor push any sort of beliefs onto anyone. You don't have to believe a word i say, just wanted to share :)

I had what i can only describe as a mystical experience on Sunday. It's somewhat inexplicable and undefinable but the best i can describe it was 15 minutes of pure bliss. This happened twice in one day. I was trying to get to the route of fear within me and a deep feeling of restriction and even buried anger with regards to the injustice in the world, also a sense of unfulfillment. S (my ex wife) was asking me questions about what i feel and to just sit with the feeling without moving internally or judging the feeling, just sit still inside, she then asked me "forget thought for one moment and sit with that feeling of injustice, restriction, anger then she asked me what i feel.. so i responded something like "how do you know what you feel without thinking about it" and BAM! i realized what i had just said.. i then felt a super strong rush of energy come up from around my lower stomach up through my chest, throat and up to my head and out and then i was laughing and crying and felt nothingness, but in a good way, peace and bliss, no thoughts what-so-ever.

Later that day laying down, i just looked into her eyes and we both just started laughing our heads off, i was laughing like i have never laughed in my entire life for 15 minutes, crying, high, and felt what i can only describe as pure and natural drunkeness, oneness, i felt warm and the feeling was like nothing i have ever experienced before, it was delicious, like nectar or something. I later realized I don't have to be with a loved one or anyone else in fact to experience bliss, god, the higher self etc, just a willingness and a stillness of mind i think is all that is required.

This is not mental illness like some people would have you think, it is the cure! it is, i think, a mystical experience, i understand that god is not a big man in the sky or some tyrant ready to wield a mighty sword of wrath on "sinners", but is true reality or a force underlying everything externally that we see in the world, it's creative. There is this invisible, all pervading energy that is there for us and that everything comes from. Everything became one, i felt light and everything was just one, connected and not separate. When i experienced all this, it was like a gift and i saw with new eyes! That is what freedom truly is, perhaps it's just people egos, thoughts, worries etc tend to block that real reality behind everything.

I am still blown away by it, but i am not pining for it again, apparently it can happen once in a lifetime or a few times, consistently or never. I did get a glimpse last year and then Sunday even more. What is weird is that original deep rooted feeling of restriction (world, government, wars, laws etc) reversed when i felt it without thinking about it or trying to bury it, so i felt total and utter freedom within myself. Any buried negative feelings felt like they had instantaneously dissolved.

I'm definitely not ill nor drunk (you will have to trust me as i have been known lol) and i am not special, nor do i really understand it fully yet, but it does help me to write about it to further understand it. It is there for every person to experience in truth, i just had no idea up until this point. But i have experienced a moment that changed everything for me. I also understand why people take drugs now, which i did a lot when younger, and it's mainly to try to get to that state of consciousness, but this was 1,000,000,000 times more pure, powerful and real than any drug.


I'm grateful, but it doesn't mean i want nothing to do with the world, it would be wrong, at least for me, to go to one extreme end and avoid any part of life (ascetism), this just helps me feel less worried and fearful about my life, it's like a reassuring pat on the head from God or the universe and he/she/it/that is communicating to me that there is something or some force that is watching over us and guiding us through life's ups and downs. A true glimpse of infinite awareness, which is what we really all are, sometimes we just need reminded of who and what we are. I know i do a LOT.

I know nothing and would not pine for this experience or get addicted to it or even stop functioning, all i can do is move towards being best version of myself i can be in this lifetime. I do realize that when i thought i was "mentally ill" it may of been a long process of ego death, i was shedding old habits, destructive thoughts and trying to find myself (still am) and this is why i had to lock myself away for a while all those years ago. I'm still shedding old habits and beliefs, i still have bad days, bad thoughts and make wrong choices but i am just a little bit better at coping with life now.

I'm also aware that our lives do have purpose and i am going to stick my neck out here and say that i think Darwin got it wrong.. our lives are NOT meaningless, far from it, there is meaning everywhere, if we choose to see it. Life is not about survival of the fittest, that would imply that earth and it's people are only competitive materialists, maybe the truth is that our lives are more abundant and prosperous than we realize and if we would just cooperate with one another and take more care of ourselves, each other, the world and all of it's inhabitants, it wouldn't seem such a constant struggle.

I actually think how we deal with personal suffering, breakdowns and periods of inner struggle are the meaning behind resurrection and rebirth if we face it and become aware that god or the universe is on our side, everything written in religions could well be just parables, not to be taken literally in any way, but are more like dramatizations that serve as guides for inner exploration for individuals, no matter what religion (if any) There is an underlying universal truth in all of it i reckon.. one true, universal message underlying them all.. it's not even a religion really, we just feel like we have to define everything and surely God or what created me, us and all life, is undefinable and unmeasurable.

I am finding more and more that there is really no need to believe anything what-so-ever unless one experiences something for themselves, i just try to live in the moment and be grateful for life even with it's absurdities, it's pain and sufferings, it's highs and lows. I'll have bad periods again, but for now i am stable and more happy.

This awareness of self and inner exploration would help a lot of people who experience mental turmoil, it's clear pharmaceutical drugs and even psychotherapy are not working too well, those £100 an hour psychotherapists simply take you to the past or future and leave you there! The drugs i think might be designed to restrict the opening up of certain dormant and positive aspects of ourselves. There's not too much in the way of true compassionate care or support for people going through a breakdown or psychological problems. I no longer see a breakdown as a terrible thing that needs to be avoided or something that needs to be gotten rid of or contained, it needs to be faced in more natural and supportive ways, but i have no solutions.


Sorry for the rambling. Thank you for reading.
Jon :)


an interesting experience
I like the picture

:) intergalactic Kundalini wish is for you to live in this..breathe it and be merry...

Thank you Uma! I hope to get back to that place someday, last year or two saturn and whatvever other forces bought me back down to earth, the grounding, loss, lessons etc. But i miss being up there hehe! i am building myself up for a never-ending wander around the world. Cheers sistren! :)

Falling and rising is what makes the uptide so sweet....yes...!! cheers to manifesting dreams!! Blessing to you.......

Very beautiful report! I am familiar with this, too! Now that you know what brought you to this higher energetic state of awareness and bliss you you know where we all could be and where we go... this is a another natural state... a nicer one... and if you want to be into it, you can at any time. You will realize that we are never separate from this state. It is us who separate us by fear and judging.

Yes, natural state for sure, too much distraction to stay in the state consistently though. You're right it is only fear > judging that separates. I remember, all the walls, tables, furniture sort of dissolving, well more like becoming like liquid and moldable with this awareness (seeing behind the natural matrix/matter), so hard to explain and even remember really, or i became all that matter/one with it, still blows my mind thinking back to it lol. Cheers!

But in the other hand, we could not function in everyday life in this permanent state of bliss. We are incarnated beings and as long as homework isn‘t done it needs to ne done. It may sound contradictory but of course we should care to remain in a state of higher awareness. For many reasons. Zen buddhists say: Without enlightenment you carry your basket with wood, with enlightenment you carry your basket of wood. Buddhists also say that it is not good and not bad to go forward into more lightful states - it is necessary for the benefit of all feeling beings. Because when you grow, you help others to grow. I live a simple life with my family, garden, writing... But I know inside of me is all the love, all the beauty, all the light... Really, this is the greatest gift in human life: you realized that this experience is no fantasy, no dream, no fairy tale. It IS. And you know how you got there and you will get there again. In this state you realize how poor it is to live apart from it. You can feel the state of others, you feel a complete connection with everything, and so much more. Once you found it you find it everywhere. It cannot be described with words, and that‘s why wise people told stories to awaken souls. There are helpful meditation techniques to get into this state but yoga is not the only way. One more quote: There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Satchitanand!

Yes, I realize it is impractical to be in that state permanently, and soon after experiencing it, i said to myself i will never pine for it again and be quite happy going through my life without ever experiencing that bliss again, but there is some new found awareness that doesn't leave, no matter where i am or what i am doing. I do seem to thrive best in the contrast, it is where i find meaning for my own life, confronting my dark shit, but i live better and feel lighter after the confrontations with myself, and as i go i learn how to balance the two sides of myself a bit better and sometimes reach a center, or a single point. But i'll never attain anything or want to live in any sort of perfection, imperfection is healthy and more fun, on the other hand i'm not addicted to suffering/being a victim like i used to be, i take better care in my choice of mental state now. Still weak and immature many times but still learning. As you say, there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.. or similarly, enjoy the journey because there's no destination. And you are right also when you say it is indescribable. There is a new level of awareness as a result of the experience. Cheers.

It took me some hours to find words to answer. There is lots of teaching and literature of all times and culture, but this one is especially clear, direct. loving and very helpful - The Messages of P'taah - I love the printed books most of all.
Nice videos that might help you to get back and hold this energy easily, are the messages of 777 Alaje on YouTube (don't mind where Alaje gets to moralizing a bit, he is a human... both word and music vibrations are really loving and uplifting)

So you jumped right into what others would seek and long for for all their life...
Imagine how grateful we can be to have found back to Source. Would you like to repeat life after life again without being connected? It's good to be aware of this gift. Gift? It is our birth right.
It's sort of learning to integrate something much bigger into our life than we ever imagined we are. It's the end of learning followed by a new learning on a new level. Steem on and bliss on.... ;)

I actually watched this video. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a hater, but i really struggled to watch the whole thing without disagreeing with much of what he was saying. The overall message by the pleiedian incarnated man (normal bloke) is portrayed to us in a very benevolent, peaceful and loving light. But, for me i actually found a lot of what he said to be very disturbing and highly judgmental on all types of people. I am not perfect.. but i do my best not to judge what and who is right and wrong, who is spiritual and who isn't. The narrator does this throughout and declares that people who have tattoos, piercings, not vegetarian, who smoke, drink etc are not spiritual! this is why i have trouble with these groups who claim to be from other worlds, dimensions and here to bring love and light.. yet they are judging so many people, whilst claiming to be peacemakers/lightworkers. I have seen this in other doctrines and dogmas before and i'm sorry but the judging is dogmatic in itself. He says that people who are not vegetarian are not spiritual lol.. so in his eyes, does that mean meat eaters, vegans and pescatarians are not spiritual.. I'm vegan, but i don't judge meat eaters, vegetarians. The other thing i found to be dogmatic, was when the narrator, declared Jackson Pollocks paintings as not true art or spiritual, like judging Pollocks art as demonic almost! A lot of folk, including myself, see great value in people like Pollocks art because it challenges and disrupts the elitists/establishment who declare what is true art and what isn't, so in this sense i am for the art of people like Pollock. Also, denying the struggle is something i cannot relate to. I did agree with his point on most of europe being stuck in a middle age energetic vibration, it is. He's also correct with the fact we europeans caused many native genocides. It is because of people like the narrator, why i choose not to use the word "spiritual" much. I have no right to define who or what is spiritual or not, i always thought we're all spirits here to learn. Never the less, thanks for sharing. Cheers!

I fully agree with you. And this is what I wanted to show you. Didn't want to test you. But of course the shadow sides of this video show. very strongly. As soon as people get moralizing, even with a sweet, sweet voice, they suffer from the so-called guruism - they start teaching and judging even more than their "disciples" live it - and that's the exact way how the spiral gets down. All dogmas and doctrines are handicaps. The real masters never wrote rules or books... As soon as teachings get passed on and are written down from memory they do not derive from the exoerience of the inner presence and they start to fail. Look at the religions all leading from the truth...@ Judging: I even smoke two or three cigarettes a year, so I am never seduced to declare myself a non-smoker... (but of course I would not try to please everyone with my behaviour to be everybody's darling!).
So, your answer is a prove that you are really tuned in, in the middle, so-to-speak. I am happy to know you are on Steemit. So wonderful.
Addendum: I once read about a kinesiological testing of Picasso's Guernica. You know, the big painting shows all horros of the Spanish civil war. Surprisingly, they found out that this painting radiates high positive energy. Perhaps because Picasso worked with loving engagement against war. Well, I never went into that story and make my own testing, but to me it is a fact that the more people will be become sensitive and will feel the energies of art works. A great many of formerly "precious" paintings will be removed from the walls and substituted by ones that make people feel lucky, relaxed, and healthy... Time will tell.

Oh okay lol, i thought you posted the video on my post because you were a follower of it and you thought i'd like it.. slightly confused why you posted it. My criticism of the video was in no way aimed at you Martina just because you posted it to me, and i agree with much you say, just not the video narrator.. who, like you said, was moralizing, judging, and doing the guru thing. a lot of the new age stuff has a lot that puts me off, that's all. You're right about gurus. I also have my fair share of crutches, demons too. I found parts of that video comical, like when he crossed out a buddhist monk having a cigarette like it was a really terrible thing lol. By the way i only shared the above experience, because it was the only time i experienced it and recently found what i wrote about it then, but as i said in the post, i doubt i will post on these things again. I really just wanted a record of it on the blockchain to remind me as i get older. I always leave a disclaimer that it's all just personal experience, and to not believe a word I say, take it with a pinch of salt. I know nothing. That's interesting about the Guernica painting, i never knew that. Nice to meet you too.

Hello bro, I really liked that you shared this experience in the community, thanks for sharing.

Greetings bro @jonjon1

Greetings bro!

What you lived dear friend @ jonjon1 is very strong, a unique and unique experience, I never lived an equal situation, but I know people who have had some similar experience.
Since I do not read to you often, I take the opportunity to wish you happy holidays and that the year you come will be full of peace and happiness for you and your loved ones.

Good to hear from you mate and thank you for taking the time. I wish you happy holidays and a great 2018 as well! :)

Amazing post and an amazing photo!

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