Sort of Dating Part 4 Night of Storms

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


I wanted so badly to lie down next to her, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. But I lacked the courage. She had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous. I was hopelessly boring and she endlessly fascinating. So I just lay there thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.
― John Green, Looking for Alaska

I spent my Saturday hiking and orienteering in order to get close to Dina but it ended as a disaster. I sprained my ankle and now we're stuck on the wilderness trail with a thunder storm rolling in.

I should have taken my friend Dale's advice and stayed away from her—after all, she is another man's girl and entertaining her is not even close to dating.

Regardless, we're now we're stranded near Rattlesnake Point and about to get drenched, or worse, exposed to lightning.

Can things get any worse?

I expect Dina to be upset but she isn't—she's very calm and compassionate.

She helps me limp over and get seated close to the cliff wall. While I’m trying to get comfortable, she begins gathering branches and twigs until she has enough to light a fire.

“I always keep a lighter in my backpack—too bad I don’t have any flares.”

I laugh—a little hysterically, “You can’t win all the Girl Guide badges.”

Once she gets the fire going, she gathers handfuls of branches while I play keeper of the flame. She finally stops and sits down with me as the first large drops splatter like dark cherries against the rocks.

“Hey—I almost forgot—I’ve got a cell phone.”

She flips it open, but no bars—we’re too far out to catch a signal.

“Looks like we’re here for the night,” she says.

Can’t say the prospect saddens me, except it's not the way I envisioned spending the night with her.

The rain pours down now and fortunately the cliff back is to the wind. We sit and watch ruddy flames turn the branches to white bones.

Through the long night, we talk and doze—once, I awaken to find her face next to mine and she cuddled up close to me.

I’m living the dream.

The next morning, she hikes to the parking lot to get help. A helicopter ferries me to the hospital, with Dina along for the ride. She holds my hand all the way.

I’m sedated and fall asleep, but when I awake, Dina is there.

She’s been there ever since.

I know friendship rarely leads to love, but in our case, it did.

Dale, my long-suffering friend, was my best man—I don’t think he ever stopped smiling—I know I didn’t.

It took an accident and a storm to turn friendship with Dina to love.

You know the best part?

When I close my eyes or lie in the dark it’s her face I see…and usually, she’s cuddled up close to me.

© 2019, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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