Cold Autumn Rain ...FinalesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing5 years ago

Someday you're going to look back on this moment of your life as such
a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing...

― Elizabeth Gilbert


I took a drive in the autumn rain to escape the depression of my breakup with Maeve.

I had been simply looking for a change of scene but when I spotted a quaint country inn I decided to stop for a bite to eat.

It was there I met Charley, the beautiful proprietress, who seemed to wave a magic wand and make all my troubles go away—perhaps only for a moment, but even that was a welcome respite.

Just being with her seemed to reassure me that despite the pain that still lingered, everything would be all right.

We were sitting in the restaurant dining hall—just the two of us—the power out but the tables candle lit. It was romantic actually and put me in a mellow, wistful mood.

I stared out at the cold November dusk that had previously felt so dismal. It was a melancholic late fall rain—a useless rain, seeing that the fields were harvested and all the flowers had died.

“You feel like giving up?” she whispered.

“Yeah, I do. It’s strange though, because it seemed that Fate had brought Maeve and I together. It’s the first time I ever felt anything like that.”

She stared at me as if searching deep inside my soul.” “Did you ever think maybe Maeve wasn’t the one—but she was a harbinger of something better to come?”

The candle on the table guttered, then sputtered and roared back to life, glowing incredibly bright. It cast her figure in silhouette against the far wall, elongated and larger than life.

It was the last thing I remembered before awakening in a hospital bed, staring up into Harry’s anxious face.

“You’re back! Thank God, James—you had me worried.”

“What happened, Harry—how did I get here?”

“You were missing for three days. The Provincial Police tracked your cell phone signal to the ruins of a deserted mill in the Caledon Hills. They found you in a corner of the ruins curled up in a fetal position, an empty wine bottle in your hands.”

I moaned. “This can’t be happening.”

A doctor gently touched Harry’s elbow, “I think your friend needs to rest right now. We’ve given him a sedative.”

“Get some sleep, James—I’ll be back tomorrow.” He winked and gave me a thumbs-up gesture.

“I’ll check in on you later in my rounds, Mr. Hall. In the meantime, I’ll leave you in good hands.”

I watched as the doctor exited the room, and then, the nurse who was waiting in the shadows stepped forward to fix my pillows.

“Looks like you’re staying the night,” she purred.

The soft voice belonged to a beautiful, dark-haired woman in her late thirties. She was wearing a dark nursing uniform and in the subdued lighting her eyes looked huge and endless.

“I’m you’re nurse, Mr. Hall. My name is Charlotte Woods, but you can call me Charley.”

“Pleased to meet you, Charlie,” I smiled weakly.

It was an early autumn—but not the expected winter—perhaps, an overture to an extended fall.

© 2019, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



lol - I think you caught quite a few readers by surprise. Hmmm, if he is to start something new with the nurse, can I have the lady who believes in candle-lit dinners and wine? More my style thank you - nurses tend to be too pragmatic for me.

I have not been making comments as I am angry with what Steemit has done, allowing a myriad fleas to open accounts and without them ever making any posts, they have the right to attack (flagging). To me, opening an account here does not prove you are worthy of judging others - and if you do not post, it means they are leeches, hoping to make money by destroying others.

I had earnings of 0.37c and no bid bot rewards, but these leeches still flag.

I have now set my posts and comments to Deny Payout as it makes it impossible for them to attack me...but it also means I no longer have the compulsion to come to steemit every day. I have been reading your posts and will continue to do so, but I will not be commenting as often as I am worried that if they see I admire someone on Steemit, they might come to attack you also.

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