How to Survive and Thrive during persecution in the 21st Century: Part IsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Part I   - Gangstalking and Electronic Harassment

There is a growing phenomenon that is eroding civilization during our turbulent times. It covets ones life, turns neighbor against neighbor, and has been weaponized to cause loss of life. Although, the information within this blog is based on the testimony of those who came before me and cites events and patented technology that this system employs, it only scratches at the surface of what I believe is a growing threat to humanity.

This blog post is especially for those who feel they have been targeted for no godly reason and wish for some clarity. Part 4 also offers advice on coping and to at least partially remedy some of the harmful effects caused by these silent and invisible attacks.

Gangstalking is also called COINTELPRO 2.0. It started in the 1950s as an obscure branch of the CIA's MKULTRA project group during the Cold War. Modern COINTELPRO style harassment consists of unique, carefully engineered and un-provable events in addition to mental torture to produce psychological stress in the victim as just cause for their forced removal from society. The intended outcome is one or more of the following:

  • Create a violent reaction within the target, leading to a criminal offense, thus perpetuate the need for a police state in reaction to growing 'domestic terrorism'. 
  • Repeat incarceration of the victim due to minor offenses or infractions. Most likely the victim was 'triggered' to act out. Some police officials withing local law enforcement may be involved.
  • Either forced or induced detention in a psych ward. A V2K target/victim is encouraged to seek 'professional help' if they tell acquaintances, friends or family that they hear 'voices' in their head.
  • Depression and financial ruin compels the victim to commit suicide (preferred goal of the operation). If the victim dies, this form of assassination is also called 'soft kill'. Directed Energy may also be used to trigger the heart muscle to beat irregularly in certain circumstances. The question to ask is whether the individual is wearing a pace maker?

The thing that is really crazy is neighbors are often recruited to participate. Other recruits tend to come from extremist groups, witch covens, secret societies, public servants, dark cults, and your co-workers. It is a well financed operation comprised of rogue factions withing society that have access to both private and government resources. The purpose of such a program is to frame, isolate and destroy a target financially, socially, and professionally via slander, false claims of criminal activity and following the target everywhere, he/she goes. You may think that perhaps the targets would be people who were released convicted felons, or that maybe society suddenly faces an explosion of paranoid schizophrenics. The reality is that the documented claims of targeted individuals online and under testimony in court of law are made by rather normal people who were; whistle-blowers, good Samaritans, minorities, artists, activists who have been labeled as a domestic threat. The covert agencies who run these operations are granted large budgets.

The way this program starts is initially, someone with access would 'blacklist' you (the target). Unbeknownst to you, a covert investigation is then performed on the target. This process may take years. Through covert and overt surveillance ALL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR LIFE IS BLACK-HOLED. Online and Social activity, sexual habits, employment, friendships, family ties and finances are monitored. A CORRUPT psychological profile (aka black record) is then created. This black record is what is used to fabricate a script, and hire perpetrators who use it to create a smear campaign about you to your neighbors, friends, coworkers, your ex-spouse - you get the idea.

The end result is a virtual isolation control grid is created around you - the targeted individual (TI). Finally, for the electronic harassment to activate, your EEG and bio-electric signature must be captured to be uploaded to a remote platform to be used to track and electronically harass you 24/7. Once this step is completed, a series of events will be staged around your life, starting with a single introductory event to let the victim know that this is indeed external harassment and not a fit of paranoia. 

You can see why under such a program, no society can stand and why after reading the information contained in this 4 part blog post it is important to spread its existence to the four winds.

In Part II we will discuss the patented electronic harassment technologies.

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