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RE: Notes #27 - The Narrator and I

in #writing7 years ago

Haha! You're definitely not alone. If your narrator could write half as well as you could, then I would have him narrate my life any day. It's so strange to compare it to Fight Club haha but yeah, I do see how it's connected. Let's just hope it doesn't lead you to selling soap!

Personally, my narrator sounds like the one in Stranger than Fiction, with that snarky and sarcastic tone of voice. It's hard missing details because I get ridiculed about it for a number of hours.

Monday Naquoya is awesome haha!


Thanks for the randowhale vote :)

Maybe I should try a different narrator for each day of the week, see how that goes. A different story character to mimic even. The things you do when you're a writer. Start looking at the world differently and the world starts looking back at you kinda weird.

Having an inner narrator that mocks and ridicules could be a problem. Unless you threaten to write about him. "I'll put you in my story! I'm a writer, remember."

New short story idea - The Curse of the Narrator.

That's an awesome idea! That way, you can see what voice clicks with a wider audience and which ones you find enjoyable to write. The intersect between them would yield the voices you could bank on. Science!

That's the good thing about blogs like this. We can practice different styles and voices if we like. Journals also. Once i have a few books finished being read and fresh in my mind I may attempt a week of something like that. Maybe a new project.

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