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RE: Notes #25 - Some Days Are Full of Blah

in #writing7 years ago

I seem to have an emotional clause which means as soon as I get too close to a group I turn and walk. I sabotage, I disappear.

I'm the exact same way. I really don't know why it is. Sometimes I think that it's pathological. I've often thought that there was something mentally and emotionally wrong with me, but then I just realized that if I'm not worth chasing after, then why the hell would I want to belong in that group.

With regard to the concept of an almighty being, your sentiment more or less align with my own. It's a slippery slope talking about it, and I have heard all manner of argument from both sides. With Nietzsche playing a huge part in my formative years, there was a time in my life when I pitched my tent firmly on the side of atheism. As I read more and more, I floated more to agnosticism.

I find the argument of people who believe because they feel that whether God exists or not, they would still come out on top, not wanting to not believe when God in fact exists, most disturbing. In truth, I do believe that there are some things that are beyond our reach, meaning that it's not something that's being represented in most contemporary religions.


I often waver between feeling like I understand people's need to believe, and then also feeling like religion is like Kindergarten for those too frightened to stand on their own two feet. Like I said in my post, I try not to speak to truthfully on the subject as I know it will cause offence. So I go silent, or internalise it. I have lost a lot of friends because of this topic.

Sometimes I think that it's pathological. I've often thought that there was something mentally and emotionally wrong with me, but then I just realized that if I'm not worth chasing after, then why the hell would I want to belong in that group.

I no longer think it's pathological, although perhaps my psyche is still to catch up with my belief on this. It's certainly drilled into as as being so. Part of the difficulty is the confusion between individualism and selfishness. That is part of the ruse , in my opinion. We are individuals. We are born is unique beings. To say so and act so is not selfishness. Groups become problematic when they subjugate that individual strength and confuse us into believing we only work well within the group. That's collectivism. History is full of the tales of its woes.

The think with the Nietzsche quote is that most people misunderstand it, I feel. He talks about how we have killed God off. To me we have done that by 'creating' him/it in the first place. And overlaying that created concept over whatever is 'truth', whatever is actually real. Whether humans can know that or not is another question altogether.

feeling like religion is like Kindergarten for those too frightened to stand on their own two feet

THIS. Oh, man. This really riles people up, in my experience. I believe this is true for most cases, and while I don't ridicule their beliefs, I couldn't help but feel some sort sympathy for their plight. I just try to be more compassionate and understanding in these cases.

To say so and act so is not selfishness

You're right. This is a spillover from the Groups post, but I felt it needed to be said. I do hope a paradigm shift in consciousness would happen in our lifetime.

It absolutely riles people up. And I can understand why. I empathise with what others are going through. And choices they make, even if i don't necessarily agree with them. My history gives a more tainted edge to my abilities to live and let live sometimes. But I don't deny anyone their choices. And I don't generally express my views as the quoted example suggests normally. Kind of like me turning psychopathic to a degree. I observe it, but the step back and try to remain in my own silence.

Like I said in the full quote - I fluctuate between two states. And I am also fully aware of how expressing those states impacts others. Its a tough road. Because I have lived with religious people who don't have that censor. They don't care who they offend. Of course there are also the religious types who do no such thing also. I won't taint all with the same brush.

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