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RE: Write Club report: Half way to the finish line

in #writing7 years ago

Thank you, @naquoya. It’s a fun journey, and the results will definitely be interesting. We are all hoping for 8 publishable stories out of this, which is the most exciting part. But that means we can’t publish them to Steemit, as many publishers won’t look at previously published work. But we can probably secretly share them with some of our special TWB friends. 😊


I know that when it's time for me to pursue publishing I will have to gold off from releasing that work here. So that makes sense that that is the case for this endeavour. Especially if the plan is to have work of a calibre that is good enough to publish. It would be great to see that occur. A big step for the writers involved, and even for Steemit in general.

I'm interesting in the "good for Steemit in general" idea. What are your thoughts? I would hope so. But my crystal ball is foggy at the moment. Do you have more thoughts on this, @naquoya?

I suppose the 'good for Steemit' part of it is in the general highlighting of the name and place. A marketing perspective more than anything else. Perhaps from there a larger community of writers (as well as fields) can flourish. Who knows. These are ideas, dreams. Implementation is another matter altogether.

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