Ingrid’s son - Art Prompt Writing Contest #9

in #writing7 years ago


The story begins in the kingdom of Harald, with the death of King Aren. By not leaving heir, all his possessions, including Harald itself, would pass into the hands of his stepbrother, Demetrius.

Demetrius was a greedy man, accustomed to the wealth of the palace, to his life of ostentation. He was happy with the death of his half-brother. For once and for all, Harald would be his. However, it did not take long, when it reached his ears, the birth of a child, born by Ingrid, concubine of the late king.

His supporters also informed him of a scroll with the royal seal, which attributed the right of succession to his future heir.

"Find that harlot! Bring me the scroll, at any price", shouted Demetrius to his faithful subject, Amaleq.

"I will hire the best mercenaries, my lord", replied Amaleq

"Hire the Zoar killers," added Demetrius.

Amaleq, trembled to hear that name.

Zoar, was the land of the most dangerous murderers known everywhere, once hired, nothing in the world, would prevent them from fulfilling their mission.

Amaleq, sealed a parchment with Demetrius's royal seal and sent it with the fastest messenger to the land of Zoar.

Meanwhile, Ingrid's servants warned her to leave Harald soon and go to the neighboring kingdom, Gerd. There, King Haakon could provide the necessary protection that would ensure the welfare of her firstborn. Gerd was a fortress and had the largest army of all kingdoms. Haakon was a friend of Aren, many years ago. Among them, there was an infinite loyalty.

But to get to Gerd, Ingrid had to cross Harald's forest. A place frequented by beasts and assailants. At that moment, a name came to mind, Engla.
“The only friend I could count on for such a dangerous journey”, said Ingrid to herself.

Ingrid, gathered supplies for her trip, took her baby and looked for her friend Engla.

The servants said goodbye to Ingrid, wishing her luck in her journey. They informed her that she could find Engla in the tavern "The two snakes."

Ingrid, mounted her horse and went to the tavern. Engla, was in the center of the tavern, around her, there were many men shouting with emotion.

Engla, was a thin woman, but of defined musculature. Warrior forged in the battles for the independence of Harald.

At first, she did not understand why the tavern was called the two snakes. Until she saw what Engla was doing.

Engla, circled around a table that had two snakes guarding a gold coin. If she took the gold coin, without being bitten by any snake. The price of drinks would be canceled. The snakes, ready to attack, did not take their eyes off Engla. She slapped her hand to get to the coin, but both snakes would bite her every time she approached.

Engla, took a breath, to clear her mind, since the alcoholic effect of the drinks was taking effect. She decided to use both hands and quickly take both snakes at the same time. When she caught them by the neck, she threw them to the men who shouted around her and finally, with a laugh, she took the gold coin.

The men jumped in terror away from the snakes.
"Another drink for me!", Engla shouted, approaching the tavern bar.

Engla took her drink and before drinking it, stopped when she saw Ingrid.

She left the drink on the bar and approached Ingrid in the crowd.

"What are you doing here, my lady? Forgive my manners, let's get out of this pigsty", Engla asked.

"Let's stop in formalities. Aren has died and my son's life is in danger. I need you to accompany me to Gerd. It is the only place where we will be safe ", answered Ingrid.

"Does my lady know that to get to Gerd is through the Harald forest?" Engla asked again.

"That's right," Ingrid replied.

Outside the tavern. Engla stuck her head in the water fountain of the horses.

"I needed to clear my senses.", Engla replied, all soaked.

"I know a few characters, crazy enough to accompany us through the forest, as long as they get paid," Engla added.

"Neither payment nor the forest is not what worries me but Zoar’s killers", Ingrid answered.

Engla trembled at hearing that name.

"So, I think It's reduced to three people, crazy enough to accompany us," Engla said again.

"Let’s go. We have no time to waste", said Ingrid.


Amaleq received a note through a bird of prey. The covenant had been made. The assassins of Zoar, would not desist until fulfilling what ordered by Demetrius.

The assassins of Zoar, had a sect of followers scattered everywhere. A network of informants, which made it easier to complete their work.

In 24 hours, a group of 50 warriors from Zoar, would arrive at Harald.


Ingrid and Engla, arrived at a house with a barn, where there were more than 20 horses.

Engla, knocked on the door and came out of this giant man, measuring around 7 feet, with great muscles. He had a thick beard.

"ENGLA!", Jensen shouted when he saw Engla.

He hugged Engla tightly, laughing loudly!

"I'm also glad to see you too, big guy", Engla replied, patting Jensen on the back.

Jensen, dropped Engla, when he saw Ingrid and immediately knelt.

"My lady, Ingrid," Jensen added.

"Get up, I do not want you to attract attention. We need your help", answered Ingrid.

They explained what happened to Jensen. He swore on his honor that he would do everything he could to get them to Gerd.

He said goodbye to his children and his wife. He embraced them all with his two arms.

Ingrid was overwhelmed to see Jensen's family, possibly none of them would see her father alive again.

"I did not know you had a family, Jensen. I think you should stay and take care of them, "said Ingrid.

But Jensen said seriously:

"I would never let the fate of Harald and your life fall into the hands of Demetrius"

"The future of this land depends on getting you to Gerd, all of you", Jensen added.

Finally, he enlisted and the four continued with their trip, towards Harald's forest.

Before reaching the forest, they stopped in front of a blacksmith shop. Inside, there was a man hammering a red-hot horseshoe. Engla told Jensen and Ingrid to wait outside.

"I heard that the swords you make are the best," Engla said as she entered the smithy.

The man wiped the sweat from his forehead. Viggo, he was not a very tall man. His naked torso, highlighted his defined muscles and the scars of battles, never forgotten.

"I have not done swords for a long time," responded Viggo.

"As handsome and lonely as ever," Engla added.

"To what do I owe the honor of your visit?", said Viggo.

Engla explained what happened.

After thinking it over, Viggo replied:

"Zoar’s killers, you say? I believe that dying for a just cause is the best way to meet my beloved "

Viggo, he had lost his partner, two years ago, in Harald's battles and had lived alone all this time. Far from the region and the people of Harald.

He took his weapons and supplies and set fire to the smithy.

"My lady, I join her cause", Viggo told Ingrid.

"I appreciate your help," Ingrid replied.

They entered the forest on horseback.

"We must find Egil," Viggo said.

Jensen and Engla nodded.

Viggo, took a horn that he carried with him and blew heavily. The sound spread all around them.

Egil was an elf who lived in Harald's woods. He carried a bow and arrows on his back. He was the best tracker they knew.

He appeared at the top of a tree saying:

"Is not dangerous that you walk through this forest without a guide?"

Suddenly a dagger crossed the air and hit the tree where Egil was. Engla had thrown it in a heartbeat.

"Poor of those who try to stop us," Engla replied.

"Ha ha ha," Egil laughed and added: "As agile as ever."

"We need your help," Viggo said.

Egil noticed the fourth person who was traveling with his three friends. Since she was wearing a hood, he could not see who she was. But he was sure she was someone important when she saw Jensen guarding her rear.

"Can I know what your visit to the world of Harald's forest is due to?", said Egil

When explaining what happened. Egil was thrilled that he would finally know how fearsome Zoar's killers were.

Egil, jumped to the ground and put his hands on it. He closed his eyes and finally said:

"Do not be scared by what I'm going to say, but I feel horse treads more than 5 hours away"

"Let's accelerate the pace," Jensen said.

They shouted at their horses and set out, at an accelerated pace, towards Gerd.

Egil, was jumping from tree to tree.

They had barely traveled half the way to get to Gerd. When Ingrid stopped. His horse did not give anymore. It fell collapsing to the ground.

Engla took Ingrid by the hand and lifted her onto her horse. Ingrid held her son tightly.

Suddenly, Egil informed the group:

"They're surrounding us, their horses are fast, they're less than 20 minutes from us."

"Engla! use my horse and go with Jensen and Ingrid", ordered Viggo.

"I'll stay with Egil and give you enough time to get to Gerd."

Engla nodded and gave her horse to Ingrid and took Viggo's horse. He glanced at Jensen, who nodded and they left immediately.

Egil, placed very thin threads between the trees and hid.

Viggo, drew his sword and waited patiently in the middle of the road.

Soon the assassins appeared. Men dressed in black, whose clothes only showed their red eyes.

They accelerated their pace, shouting, seeing Viggo alone with his sword in his hands.

Many of them perished decapitated, passing at high speed through the threads placed by Egil.

Others used their swords to cut the threads.

They jumped off their horses when they reached Viggo, who brandished his sword running towards his enemies. His sword broke the killer’s swords into pieces, and took the opportunity to spread their insides when he cut the belly of his victims.

Egil, shot his arrows constantly towards those enemies that dodged the blade of Viggo's sword.

Twenty of the murderers fell immediately. However, a bad feeling invaded Egil's mind.

"This was very easy," said Egil. And immediately he felt the prick of a dart in his right arm.

"Damn," said Egil.

He took out the dart, but the poison began to take effect.

Viggo ran towards Egil, but was stopped by one of the assassins who came back to life after having fallen from his sword.

The assassin drew a dagger and launched himself at Viggo. Dodging his opponent, he crossed again with his sword. However, this one did not die.

Viggo understood why it was impossible to stop these killers. They were immortal.

It was when he heard Egil shout: "DUCK!"

At that moment, Egil had launched a curved sword that severed the head of Viggo's enemy.

Egil fell to his knees. His skin had filled with black veins. Viggo hurried to where Egil was.

" Cut off their heads and they will die", Egil told him.

"Can you move?", Viggo replied.

"Up to here I arrive friend. It was a pleasure to fight again by your side. "

Viggo saw how his friend's life abandoned his eyes.

He had no time to lose, he had to tell the others what had happened.

Again, 5 assassins got up. However, this time, full of anger and screams of fury, Viggo threw himself at them, and in a matter of seconds he cut off everyone's head without giving them time to react.

He shook the blood from his sword. Suddenly a horse came out of the trees. It was a huge, white horse. He approached Egil and then Viggo. Apparently, he was a friend of Egil. The horse neighed and let itself be ridden by Viggo and hurried to catch up with his friends.


Engla ran at full gallop next to Ingrid's horse. Jensen turned and noticed that the assassins were approaching.

Jensen shouted at Engla:


Engla quickened her pace, closing her eyes so as not to forget Jensen.

Jensen stopped and turned back to the assassins coming back, pulled out a large spiked mallet and started hitting the assassins as they approached them. They flew out of their horses when they received the impact of the mallet. Pieces of meat were attached to the mallet. One by one the killers fell.

Jensen, when he finished with everyone, trusted by turning his backs on them. He heard a cry in the distance


The assassins had come alive again and one of them shot Jensen in the arm with an arrow.

Surprised and angry, Jensen shouted


He got off his horse and with the mallet began to tear off their heads with every blow he gave to the assassins.

Jensen finally fell to his knees. The poisoned arrow gained its effect.

The other assassins were still behind Engla and Ingrid.

Jensen shouted at Viggo


It was the last thing he heard from Jensen, without turning back, he continued to accelerate the horse's pace.


An arrow pierced Ingrid's shoulder. Engla, immediately stopped his horse and Ingrid's.

Ingrid told him:

"Take the child and deliver this scroll to King Haakon. Take my ring too "

"Do not look back, continue."

Engla with tears in his eyes, agreed to comply with Ingrid's orders.

Leaving Ingrid on the floor. She placed the child on her back and climbed on her horse and without looking back she continued her journey.

Viggo caught up with the asassins before they reached Ingrid and in one fell swoop cut off each one of their heads.

He stopped where Ingrid was lying and said, with tears in her eyes:

"My lady, how sorry I am"

Ingrid took the collar of Viggo's shirt and said

"This is not finished yet! Go! Make sure my son has a future! "

Viggo nodded and returned to his horse.

Later, Engla had come down from her horse. The assassins were facing the suspension bridge that separated the forest from the kingdom of Gerd. They were 5 assassins.

She drew her sword and lashed out at them with a cry of fury. The five of them were killed by death. She hurried across the suspension bridge. However, they got back up. One of them was going to blow a poisoned dart, when suddenly his head fell to the ground, cut off by Viggo's sword.

He killed the other 4. In the distance there were 5 more, but one of them was bigger than the others.

Engla, wanted to return to help, but Viggo shouted:


So she started running to get to the other extreme.

Viggo, began to strike with his sword to cut the bridge. Finally, he succeeded. The bridge broke off to the other side of the cliff and finally fell to the bottom of the cliff. Engla was received by the guard of Gerd's palace and was assured that the fortress prevented the assassins of Zoar from entering.

"The undead can not pass on holy ground," the guards said.

Engla hurriedly pulled out the parchment. But to her surprise, it had fallen during the fight with the killers.

At the other extreme, Viggo, fiercely ignited in his eyes, cut off the heads of his enemies.

The greatest of the assassins, launched an arrow that brushed Viggo's arm. Enraged even more, he attacked him. Even though he was crossed by two more arrows. With one leap, with the impulse of his entire body in a spinning attack, he threw his sword with all his strength in one last attempt. Cutting the head of the last of the murderers. Falling on your knees

In the distance, Engla shouted:


Viggo, stood up with his last strength and found the parchment near where the bridge began, took a bow and pulled one of the arrows buried in his body. He tied the parchment. Fainting and with the sight almost cloudy. His body was filled with black veins.

And with his last breath he shot the arrow. Viggo let go of the bow and fell lifeless to the ground.

Engla, reached the arrow in the air and retrieved the scroll.

Her eyes filled with tears as she saw Viggo's lifeless body.

That is how they succeeded in bringing Harald's future king to safety.

Her friends would never be forgotten. Engla swore for her life, that she would protect the child until she saw him become King of Harald.

But that is another story.

I hope you liked my story as I liked to write it

Thanks for reading!


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This is quite an epic story! I think you should consider converting into something longer. There are a lot of characters and scenes, and it seems to me that you have enough of a basis for a novel.

OMG! Thank you very much for reading! Initially it started as a story for a contest about a photo. But while I was writing it, it kept growing and became this beautiful story that I keep reading from time to time. I would like to turn it into a novel, some day.

Yes, your story definitely seemed to take off and not want to be contained! I found this because I entered the same contest. I finally got my story submitted today and began reading the other entries. It’s amazing what came out of the art prompts. Fantasy stories, mysteries—all kinds of things. Good luck with your writing journey!

You've got the beginnings of a good story here, @jadams2k18! I will be looking forward to reading the rest of it. I think you should make it an installment story, and try to put out one installment a month (or something like that.)

I've resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 27 FEB 2018.


Thanks for appreciating what I wrote @mitneb!

I'd really like to make this story became more. But, here in steemit I dont know why nobody seems to like what I write.

I always see post with low literary content win many votes and be rewarded. And I see very great post, with educational and professional content, with only $ 0.02.

I am downhearted by writing interesting stories that are special to me and somehow are not even considered to be voted on.

But, I will continue writing


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